Photo Integration
Hi, I'm doing pretty well with the new smugmug and I could probably find this answer elsewhere, but I'm getting frustrated and thought I'd just throw it out there. This is what I want to do....if you can tell me how! When everything transferred over from the Legacy version, I have all of my folders of photos showing up under Browse. What I want to do is make pages, i.e. Weddings and put the folders with wedding photos on that page. But it won't let me....can anyone tell me how to do this? It says "put the folder in a highlighted area" and there is nothing highlighted. I'm sure it's probably a simple answer, but after trying for so long....I'm asking for help! Also, along the same line, if I do accomplish this....should I leave all the folders under Browse as well as sorting some out? Thanks!
Create a menu link called "Weddings" and point it to your Weddings folder, and those will be the only galleries your visitors will see when they click that link! If they click Browse, they will still see all your folders.
If nothing you need to add "folder" box to the page.
When you drag a box from "content" to the page a long narrow horizontal or vertical green box will show in areas
where you can drop it.
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