Does moving galleries to a new folder break external links?
Will moving galleries to another folder break external links that I share on an external blog? For example if I had a gallery named "cats" in a folder called "animals" but then decided to move the "cats" gallery into a new folder, would this break external links?
Images in the Backcountry
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That ID (167709_Q78H9S) allowed SmugMug to locate the gallery wherever it might be moved in the hierarchy, since the ID doesn't change when you move it around. In fact you could edit the link to include a folder that doesn't exist, and since it has this ID on the end, it'll still work:
If you've got a bunch of these legacy links to your galleries around, those will continue to work in the new SmugMug after you unveil your new site (since the links have the ID number on the end), so pre-unveil is an excellent time to reorganise your site.
New-style links from New SmugMug, which don't have the ID number on the end, can't locate your gallery if you move it, so your visitors will get a "404 error" page instead.
There isn't currently a "get a link" capability for our galleries in New SmugMug that includes these IDs to make the links robust to moving the gallery around. But if you're really, really keen, you can assemble these by hand. Let's take my Insects gallery for example, whose link is:
Go "view source" on the gallery page and search for "albumId", you should find a section like this:
Now I take that albumId, and that albumKey, separate them with an underscore, and add it to the end of my gallery link:
If you visit the link, you'll get redirected to the gallery without that ID on the end. Now if the gallery moves, the link can still find it:
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What gallery did you move, and to where? What is the link?
Do you mean a link to an image file? Those links actually survive no matter where you move their containing galleries, since they contain the id number of the photo in them. e.g. this link:
And this link:
will indeed find the same photo, so photo links don't break.
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I bold/italic the : and . to break the link so viewers can see the whole link. See red.
This makes it much easier for viewers to see the whole link. The displayed link is not clickable but can be copied.
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Thanks for this tip, I'll start doing that when I make new galleries now, it's a shame we have to do this manually now though :^(..
Honestly, even if a link to a gallery gets broken, it'd only be the work of a minute to browse to its new location.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks for replying Lamah :-)
What I know think is happening is that possibly because I haven't transitioned over to the new smugmug, that when I give the link to users that they are seeing the old smugmug?
Your old-style SmugMug gallery links (with the random number and letters on the end) will continue to find your galleries, even if you rename or move them, and even when you switch to New SmugMug .
The new-style SmugMug gallery links no longer have the random numbers on the end, so they are not resilient to a rename or gallery move.
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