Non Smugmug work arounds to increase thumbnail size?
I'm using the Smugmug design and am very unhappy with the tiny Gallery thumbnails with apparently can't be made larger using Smugmug's tops. I searched and tried putting this into the Entire Site CSS box, but it didn't do anything:
/*===== Stretch Gallery Thumbs =====*/
#homepage, #content.userKeywords,
#header_wrapper, #footer_wrapper, #cobrand_footer,
#category, #subcategory, #header,
#smugmug, .smugmug #header, .smugmug #footer
{margin-left: 15px;margin-right: 15px;min-width: 755px;
width: auto;_width: expression
(document.documentElement.clientWidth < 790? "760px" : "auto");}
#bioBox {width:300px;margin:auto}
Does anybody know of a workaround for making the Gallery thumbnails larger?
My Smugmug URL is:
/*===== Stretch Gallery Thumbs =====*/
#homepage, #content.userKeywords,
#header_wrapper, #footer_wrapper, #cobrand_footer,
#category, #subcategory, #header,
#smugmug, .smugmug #header, .smugmug #footer
{margin-left: 15px;margin-right: 15px;min-width: 755px;
width: auto;_width: expression
(document.documentElement.clientWidth < 790? "760px" : "auto");}
#bioBox {width:300px;margin:auto}
Does anybody know of a workaround for making the Gallery thumbnails larger?
My Smugmug URL is: