Attachment file size

What gives? Trying to upload attachment.
The Dimension limits for this filetype are 800 x 1200. We were unable to resize
your file so you will need to do so manually and upload it again.
Your file is currently 1190 x 66.
Edit: resized to 800 wide, guess it has to fit the Dgrin post window.
The Dimension limits for this filetype are 800 x 1200. We were unable to resize
your file so you will need to do so manually and upload it again.
Your file is currently 1190 x 66.
Edit: resized to 800 wide, guess it has to fit the Dgrin post window.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
width. Duh, I did not realize that for quite a while. Just looking at the biggest number.
My Website index | My Blog
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
My Website index | My Blog
Attachment sizes are given in size, width and height in the attachment window. Most image sizes are restricted to 146.5KB and 800 pixels wide x 1200 pixels in height. 800 is chosen because it's a size that will display on almost all devices (an not leave someone scrolling to try and see the content).
The idea that 800 wide is "normal" and doesn't require scrolling is about 5-10 years out of date, between smaller mobile devices and most people having 1200-3000 wide screens. but perhaps more silly, its PORTRAIT orientation. Why in the world, when most people want to put up screen shots?
If you want to require 800x1200, how about 800x1200 as the shortest and longest dimension NOT specifically in portrait mode?
I have literally hit this limit 3 times in the last week trying to post things, every one was a portion of a screen shot. Sometimes I drop back and upload on smugmug, but by the time I upload, wait for processing (
Come on guys, join the 21st century. If someone DOES have an 800 wide monitor and someone else posts 1200 bits -- let them scroll.
But as you've indicated, you can still upload and share from most any photo sharing site.
I am attempting to upload an image under the landscape thread and I am only able to upload an image sized as 800Wx 1200H.
How do I adjust this restriction to say 1200W x 800H, or some other combination, keeping within the 146.5KB size limitation?
The image I wish to upload will not look appropriate if forced into a size of 800x1200.
Alas, why is there not an option to provide an alternative rotation or sizing for images one desires to upload?
Thanks for your assistance.
El Gato
Attachment sizes are limited but photo sizes are not if you upload the photo to a site like smugmug and reference it from there.
See How to Embed an Image in Your Post in the Dgrin FAQ.
If you are asking about uploading to a smug site, my apologies for confusing the matter; please let us know where you are having this problem.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise...
You (along with the thread you provided) answered my question.
I appreciate it!!
El Gato