Can I move the "My SmugMug Site Files"?

Original message in wrong forum. Changed the message and thought I changed the title but didn't affect the original display title. Feel free to delete this.
I have watched a couple of the shorter tutorials. Just getting back to work after a knee replacment and don't really have time to watch a lot of hour long videos. Was there one or two tutorials that you found extremely helpful for migrating your legacy site with a bit of customization using the given toolbox?
I thought I was close to unveiling but realized I had done something so that browse folders didn't bring up the galleries within them. Fortunately, I found threads here which showed that others had the same issue and I was able to fix it. I think. My old legacy site is a mess right now because I chose to go ahead and use the organizer in new smug to clean up my galleries significantly. So I would like to unveil relatively soon.
I have watched a couple of the shorter tutorials. Just getting back to work after a knee replacment and don't really have time to watch a lot of hour long videos. Was there one or two tutorials that you found extremely helpful for migrating your legacy site with a bit of customization using the given toolbox?
I thought I was close to unveiling but realized I had done something so that browse folders didn't bring up the galleries within them. Fortunately, I found threads here which showed that others had the same issue and I was able to fix it. I think. My old legacy site is a mess right now because I chose to go ahead and use the organizer in new smug to clean up my galleries significantly. So I would like to unveil relatively soon.
I am close to being ready to unveil my website in new smugmug. I looked a few tutorials that recommended having a folder called something like "My Website Assets." In Legacy, there is a folder called "My SmugMug Site Files" with the warning not to delete. Can I move this to the Website Assets folder? Is it still needed? (It is a folder called Other that I would like to delete.)
I really like the new organizer is great, and I have been spending a lot of time reorganizing my files and galleries. My legacy site is a bit of mess just now because I started changing before reading the threads advising that one make these kinds of changes in legacy. But even if I had done my homework before starting, I might have chosen to use the new organizer. Very nice!
My SmugMug Galleries
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You can move your SmugMug Site files Gallery if you would like in your New SmugMug. Moving this in your New vs Legacy will not affect the other location. Be sure not to delete this if you are using these files on either version.
You can move everything around in your New Organizer to get things ready for your unveil without affecting your Legacy Site.
Thanks -Scott
My SmugMug Galleries