Can I move the "My SmugMug Site Files"?

I am close to being ready to unveil my website in new smugmug. I looked a few tutorials that recommended having a folder called something like "My Website Assets." In Legacy, there is a folder called "My SmugMug Site Files" with the warning not to delete. Can I move this to the Website Assets folder? Is it still needed? (It is a folder called Other that I would like to delete.)
I really like the new organizer is great, and I have been spending a lot of time reorganizing my files and galleries. My legacy site is a bit of mess just now because I started changing before reading the threads advising that one make these kinds of changes in legacy. But even if I had done my homework before starting, I might have chosen to use the new organizer. Very nice!
I really like the new organizer is great, and I have been spending a lot of time reorganizing my files and galleries. My legacy site is a bit of mess just now because I started changing before reading the threads advising that one make these kinds of changes in legacy. But even if I had done my homework before starting, I might have chosen to use the new organizer. Very nice!
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