Stretchy but gallery description not stretching

I resized this image for DG. The gallery description isn't stretching to the right side. The main gallery settings are set to stretchy and I don't have any this-gallery-only code. Body width is set to auto-px, no large right margin.
Not to zig-zag here but this content is in the blue restricted SM content section. Because I have to edit the content, where do I do that? Legacy?
When I have to modify HTML, which some of my pages have, do I have to drag in new blocks for html, and copy the text into them? Then what happens to the current blue-box restricted area?
I'm kind of jumbling these questions together in case it's the blue-box content that is the problem and the stretchy-to-the-right will reappear when I create new HTML blocks.
Not to zig-zag here but this content is in the blue restricted SM content section. Because I have to edit the content, where do I do that? Legacy?
When I have to modify HTML, which some of my pages have, do I have to drag in new blocks for html, and copy the text into them? Then what happens to the current blue-box restricted area?
I'm kind of jumbling these questions together in case it's the blue-box content that is the problem and the stretchy-to-the-right will reappear when I create new HTML blocks.
steal about 20% of the width. If you hide both buttons.
Just this page CSS
.sm-gallery-description {
width: 100%;
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you.
Allan, how do I change the gallery style for all galleries? I have roamed all over and don't see that option.
1. Change the default style. This would affect any gallery that is set to the default style, but would not change the style if you set a specific one to a certain gallery, which overrides the deault style.
To do this: in customization mode, go to "Settings" at the top bar, and set the gallery style.
2. Change gallery styles to all galleries within a folder.
That's the closest you can get to "all galleries".
In organize mode, go to a folder, select all its galleries, click "settings" and set the style.
Choose this method only if you have set a style other than "default" for you galleries.
Thank you, this is the piece I was missing. I saw that when viewing a gallery I could change the style, but was aware that this was not changing the style of other galleries. I suspect it's because I had set them separately in legacy. I might change them in legacy first, to stay consistent between sites.... Unless I choose one of the new styles.... Hmmm, will think about this...