Uploading via Lightroom 5 Painfully slow
While uploading images via LIghtroom 5 the upload is extremely slow ( Over 14 hours at this point for under 1200 images, still 250 left to upload) I've installed the newest plugin, updated Java, ran a test on the speed and got this result: Download speed 3.77, Upload speed .46
What can I do to make things go faster?
I've already resized all uploaded images to 1200 px long edge to speed things up. But would rather be able to load larger images so that I can use the shopping cart.
Pulling my hair out in frustration. Still have another wedding to load.
Thanks in advance for help!:bow

While uploading images via LIghtroom 5 the upload is extremely slow ( Over 14 hours at this point for under 1200 images, still 250 left to upload) I've installed the newest plugin, updated Java, ran a test on the speed and got this result: Download speed 3.77, Upload speed .46
What can I do to make things go faster?
I've already resized all uploaded images to 1200 px long edge to speed things up. But would rather be able to load larger images so that I can use the shopping cart.
Pulling my hair out in frustration. Still have another wedding to load.
Thanks in advance for help!:bow
At .46mbs, that's VERY slow. How large (not pixels but bytes) are the average images? I took an image and resized to 1200px, it was 800k. With zero overhead (and there's always overhead) that should take 14 seconds, and 1200 will take a bit under 5 hours. Again, with no overhead. And there's ALWAYS overhead.
I can tell you the problem is not Lightroom or the plugin or Smugmug. I upload full size images, typically 5-10mb, and will often do 50-100 at a time, and mine runs pretty much at the speed of my connection (which is 20mbs up).
Sadly it's your connection.
If that's not something you can upgrade, are there coffee shops or similar that might have great internet, where you can take a tablet or laptop? 20 minutes in a McDonalds (if they are fast -- I have no idea) might be better than 20 hours at home.
PS. Just saw you are in Kelowna. That is one of my favorite places. I drop up once from Vancouver, through Osoyoos, and up from the South. What a wonderful area. Several more trips by air later (worked for a company that had an office there). One day I need to go back (I no longer work there so have no good excuse).
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