Menu link settings box bug
Creating or editing a custom link in a menu: the settings box shows an option to "Open Link In New Tab". Using my OS/browser combination (Firefox 24 in XP SP3), if I set this to "ON", it doesn't open in a New Tab, it opens in a New Window. I've no idea if the New Tab thing works properly with other OS/browser combinations.
Please fix either the option text or the function.
Or, better still, have more options: Same Tab/Window, New Tab, New Window. And make sure that they all work properly!
Please fix either the option text or the function.
Or, better still, have more options: Same Tab/Window, New Tab, New Window. And make sure that they all work properly!

Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
SmugMug Support Hero
If the action of the setting is dependent on the user's browser-setting, then the wording of the text next to the setting choice is at best ambiguous, and at worst wrong. Please improve it to reflect reality, then folk like me won't expect it to do something that it may or may not do, depending on something that is beyond SM's control.
The simple fix would be to change the wording to "Open Link In Same Window/Tab?" and swap over the actions of the On/Off setting.
Please consider sorting it during one of the next few code-pushes.