Job Quote

...outside of my photography passion, I am a working contractor normally bidding small, one-man jobs. I've gotten pretty good at putting prices together for my *normal* work, but lack some data on the pixel-side of things, namely what I should charge for computer time and mounting. Basically I'm doing processing for a client who goes to exotic places and bangs away with his Iphone, I take his favorites and do a Lightroom scrub, *may* go into my Topaz suite if necessary, then up to Photoshop to do any remaining adjustments plus a resizing so his images will print large. Then I mount the results on i/2" Gatorboard (8x12 and below I do in my cabinet shop...anything larger I have a man to do it}. I've heard $100 an hour is fair for photoshop/software work, Gatorboard is very expensive but the best no-warp stuff out there short of metal or plexi. Anyhow, suggestions would be welcome...I don't want to price myself out of work, but don't want to be way south of the market, either!:D
Charlie Groh
(tin can tied to the bumper)
(tin can tied to the bumper)
...thanks for the input. Pretty much what I would do, but the computer time had/has me going a bit...I'll use the $100 number and go from's all pretty straight up otherwise...
(tin can tied to the bumper)