Was just about to unveil and then i checked my laptop
well having finally got my site somewhere like how i want it on my Mac and was just about to unveil when i thought let me just take a look on my windows vista laptop..
I find text all bunched up in the middle of the screen like in a vertical stripe, pictures out of line and out of scale with the text and tiny like a postage stamp one even covering the text, random words highlighted and when i run the mouse over them a pop up appears trying to sell something ?
iPad version is even worse than the laptop a although my iPhone mobile version is fine....
legacy is perfect on both Mac and Windows machines, im pretty much fed up with it all now im a pro and have been spending hours on re doing my site only to now find its looking like a waste of my time:dunno
Can a Hero please take a look for me
on my iMac

Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 14.21.18 by harrylessman, on Flickr
on my laptop

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
highlighted words and pop up

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
shrunken picture covering text

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
I find text all bunched up in the middle of the screen like in a vertical stripe, pictures out of line and out of scale with the text and tiny like a postage stamp one even covering the text, random words highlighted and when i run the mouse over them a pop up appears trying to sell something ?
iPad version is even worse than the laptop a although my iPhone mobile version is fine....
legacy is perfect on both Mac and Windows machines, im pretty much fed up with it all now im a pro and have been spending hours on re doing my site only to now find its looking like a waste of my time:dunno
Can a Hero please take a look for me
on my iMac

Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 14.21.18 by harrylessman, on Flickr
on my laptop

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
highlighted words and pop up

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
shrunken picture covering text

Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
For the about me page maybe it's worth posting up a link to it and others here could check it in their browsers to see if they see the same
i cant post a link up as not unveiled yet, and no way can i unveil now as its looks a total mess on my laptop and i cant have clients seeing my site like that, the only things that seems in order are the galleries and home page, i have 4 other pages with text and images on and all are out of sync some worse than others.
my mac is wide screen but then so is my laptop. I presumed that pages would just scale down to suit but not distort, the Ipad is even worse..
Ok so ive just looked at Michael Bonocore's site and his Bio page and thats fine on my laptop and Ipad it just scales down and looks the same as on my iMac so it must be a settings issue ?
my about me page on the ipad dosent even have the photo showing and just a line of vertical text!
Untitled by harrylessman, on Flickr
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Good call but no its not that
Without being able to see your site it is difficult to say but there are two things I would look at:
1. Looking at the icon sizes on your first image and the pop font size on the pop up image it looks as though your basic font may be larger than normal. Maybe that is causing a problem with resizing
2. I would try checking the parameters for the individual pages under customise. I'm guess that you have a custom page for your about-me page so it might be worth looking at what you have for the dimensions (the triangle thingie) in terms of container width and margins. It is possible that when setting it up on your big monitor you have mainly been playing with margins and have set them very large so when then page size comes down they squish everything else
Those are only guesses though. The quickest way to get help might be to just email the help desk directly
Good luck
1) First, disable any browser plugins you're using on your laptop. As someone else mentioned, that's causing the links and pop-ups over some of your text.
2) Check out the Screenfly website (http://quirktools.com/screenfly/) to help view your site in different screen sizes. You'll see where it starts breaking.
3) Since we can't see your site (you haven't unveiled) I can't give you any concrete tips. You could email me the source-code of one of the pages that looks crappy and I could load it up and help that way, but really you should just email SmugMug support heroes. They don't really peruse the forums but they do respond very quickly to help requests on their website.
4) I do a number of customizations for my site based on screen size. Here's how: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations/Sitewide/Screen-Width-Customizations
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
all my pages are set up in the stretch view in the layout menu and yes i have had to adjust the margins to align the pictures and text etc but thats what there there for, i do hope thats not it as if so i might as well just delete the whole thing, that said ive done nothing special and surly if the options ive used are there in the standard customisation settings then they should be designed to work correctly, theres no CSS etc been added its just a basic page compared to many ive seen. i guess ill email the help desk but from recent post ive seen that seems pretty pointless now days.
To be honest if i have to start all over again then i dout very much ill bother with it, i never had any issues at all with my legacy site....
I'll send you a PM.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
You should be all set. The problem was that you were forcing your image and text to have really large left and right margins. You basically set 500 pixels on the left (of the image) and 500 pixels on the right (of the text) that had to be left blank. That's 1,000 pixels right there. on a 1280x900 monitor that only leaves 280 pixels for the image and text!
I removed the margins you entered and instead adding a CSS block with some code to make it so the image and photo only take up a max-width of 1500px. It centers the image/text in the window. On a large screen you'll see it as your screenshot posted.
I went ahead and cleaned up your 3 or 4 pages that were similar (prints, about, christmas, and hiring). Your hiring page was a little trickier. I replaced the TEXT block with an HTML block and added an IMAGE code to the block. I couldn't find the original image you used. You'll have to browse to the image you want, click "Share" -> "Get a Link" and copy the "Small" link URL. Then go back to your hiring page, click "Customize" and go into the HTML block. Replace the <IMG SRC="BLAH"> with the new link.
Hope that helps.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations