Facebook Like button hack
I discovered that if you include the smugmug facebook like button somewhere on your page, it inserts the appropriate javascript needed to support other custom facebook like buttons such as these: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button/
You can see an example at the bottom of my gallery here:
You can see an example at the bottom of my gallery here:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
You can then add a CSS block to the page to hide the original Share Buttons block, if you like. That code would be:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Such an interesting point you make. I totally agree, and in fact, what a great example SM makes with their anti-patterns for sharing and creativity
You can see my attempt on our studio site: http://studio.2zone.cz
Edit: Ah, done - the CSS can't be attached to FB like box, you need to place separate CSS placeholder on the page, but that is what you wrote after all. Sorry for the confusion ....
Any suggestions?
Would be good to get this rubber stamped by Smugmug though....
I am totally agree with you. You are 100% good here that this does not breach Smug's Javascript guidelines, as the only factor thats modifying is the HTML rule, not any new javascript.
facebook timeline covres
Hi All-
Is this customization still viable? I am trying to put a Facebook Like Box with thumbnails and a feed on the homepage of my SmugMug site but nothing is happening. When I go to Facebook's code builder (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button/) I'm given four choices: HTML5, XFBML, IFRAME and URL. Which, if any, should I be dropping into my HTML module?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I'm adding this to a sidebar on my Entire Site. I added the social media icons to the Footer of the Entire Site and configured appropriately. I've dragged an HTML block and dropped it into the sidebar. When I paste in the HTML5 Plugin Code from the Facebook Developer tool and click Done the HTML box simply disappears and the area on the page is blank as if nothing happened.
I'm working on a major overhaul of my site and this is one of the changes that I'm making but haven't published yet. Not sure if that could be a factor but just trying to provide as much info as possible. Maybe it has to be on a specific page and not Entire Site...?
Thanks a ton for your help!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks for taking a look!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Per my understanding of customization there is no way to publish just one customization like this to see if it works. I'm halfway through changing the entire look and feel of my site. If I hit "Publish Now" all of my changes would go live. I'll have to wait until I've got it all done to test this. If I'm wrong about that please let me know.
I'll report back as soon as I have an answer...
No luck. As soon as I click Done the block disappears. Publishing the change doesn't make it appear. The customizer does show that there's an HTML block on the page though.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
FYI, The page is here: http://ctoutdoorguide.com/
Thanks so much for your assistance with this!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I am having exactly the same problem. Could you please elaborate on what changes you made? Where did you enable the sharing back?
I want to add Facebook Like Box in my About page.
Got the below code from Facebook's Developer's page.
I was able to get it by adding Facebook like buttons to the page. Thanks for the help. :-)
I followed the instructions on this thread:
...but no luck.
I tried putting this code on my page:
However I don't see anything when I publish. I have the Smugmug social icons on the page and I don't have an ad blocker running. Any ideas? I've seen it working on other pages!
Thank you!
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My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
I have social media icons on my page, don't have an adblocker running and I've copied the code from the second box down on the HTML5 page yet still I see nothing...
What am I missing?
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
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Thanks for having a look!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
Please note that no javascript code is supported on the New SmugMug, but you seem to have pasted in javascript in the html content block you added to your homepage. Make sure to remove that code (anything with a <script > tag)
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Ohhhh the Share buttons! I was thinking it meant the other social icons, will give that a go! As for the <script>, I didn't think that would work but was clutching at straws so thought it was worth a try!
Edit: Thanks! That works, will edit my page properly later!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
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