Mini Challenge #175 - Nightscapes RESULTS

kentwallerkentwaller Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
edited November 6, 2013 in The Dgrin Challenges
Well, too many excellent entries to discuss all of them, but here are the top 5 in my opinion. My apologies for not mentioning everyone here, but have to focus. Thanks to all for participating! I will count them down from #5 to the winner.

#5: travelways - Moonlight on the French Riviera
Makes we want to sit down with a bottle of wine and look at the moon! Wonderful mood - well done.


#4: Freddie_D - Hawthorne Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Nice use of HDR, not overdone, excellent depth and clarity. Great job!


#3: Alans Grin - Evening Light
Another excellent use of HDR to bring out color and depth to set a mood. Really nice work!


#2: davev - Downtown Minneapolis
All three of your shots here are excellent, but I like this one best. Most people probably don't think of Minneapolis as a great city for nightscapes, but you have shown here what an excellent photographer can do - even with a fairly modest skyline - terrific presentation and clarity makes for a dramatic scene. The choice of B&W here is perfect.


Winner: Earache - Bare Trees
Like davev, all your shots were excellent, but this stunning shot is my choice for best in the group. I know that scenes like this are not easy to come by. The clouds are just thin enough to allow the moonlight to come through, while also showing off the flow that comes with the long exposure. Simple trees make for an interesting contrast and add a spooky silhouette. So, congratulations on this outstanding work and you are now up for the next challenge!



  • EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2013
    Thanks very much for the pick Kent... I really, really like your other choices and consider mine just one among many other fine entries and winners.
    I will get the next challenge up ASAP - but, I want to give it some thought - I'd like to pick a theme (hopefully better than my last one mwink.gif ) that will encourage folks to participate.
    I am definitely open to suggestions - if you've got a cool idea, PM me or post - thanks!
    Eric ~ Smugmug
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited October 28, 2013
    Congrats Eric! Awesome round everyone! I loved looking at all the images posted. Really great work there!
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited October 29, 2013
    Thank you very much Kent :ivar and Congratulations Eric clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

    - Really beautiful entries here clap.gif
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited October 30, 2013
    Fantastic set of photos for this theme! Great round!
  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2013
    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

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  • freddie_dfreddie_d Registered Users Posts: 7 Big grins
    edited November 4, 2013
    Thank you Kent for the inclusion in the top 5. This is the first time I've submitted a picture to any sort of challenge and I enjoyed the different kinds of submissions. Lots of good and interesting work. Congrats to Earache! Super shot.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  • kobistarkobistar Registered Users Posts: 109 Major grins
    edited November 6, 2013
    I like it a lot
  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited November 6, 2013
    Congratulations - beautiful photo! Loved the critiques from Kentwaller too as I don't know too much about night photography and appreciated learning. GP
  • lifeinfocuslifeinfocus Registered Users Posts: 1,461 Major grins
    edited November 6, 2013
    Beautiful images - all of them!

    If a challenge covering images that show motion has not been done, perhaps that may be an option. I mention it because our local camera club had that as recent competition. Results have not been shown, but it was fun one to compete in. The object is to include something that shows motion which could be something simple as blur but could other things.

    "You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
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