I havea like new (only used a couple times) in box with everything canon 2x mk2 teleconverter. I'd like to get $265/obo for it shipped.
The only sample shots I have are on my 70-200 2.8, on which I say it doesn't look quite smashing...well its good on the 70-200, but I'm a 100% cropper. You can see some samples here http://davidson.smugmug.com/gallery/1020876
The format of the gallery is kinda funcky because I was direct embedding in another forum, the way it works is this. For the first two shots I have 4 photos each. Two look the same, but in fact one of those is 50% and full resolution (you can tell by looking at the resolution). Then the crops are 100% crops (assuming you click the link to view original size photos). and the last two are no crops, just 100% and 50%...confusing I know, you'll figure it out.
I can take some more samples tomorrow (it's already dark out) at various aperatures of non moving objects to give people a better idea if someone wants me to, but like I say the only lens I have for this is a 70-200 L 2.8.
Well I decided to forget the light, pulled out my 550ex in high speed synch, and took some shots (http://davidson.smugmug.com/gallery/1046128). These were shot RAW, I did nothing to them in the RAW conversion other than use PS CS's default settings, changing the white balance and lowering the color noise reduction (PS CS shows less detail and sharpness than C1 and RSE, I can provide RSE conversions if anyone wants, but you could just save the image to your desktop and use USM to see for yourself. These actually make me contemplate keeping it, but I want a 20D more than I want this and the money has to come from somewhere.
Oh, BTW, the picture of my Nikon that is more zoomed out than the rest was taking without the tc at f/5.6. I'm using that to provide a standard to judge against since f/5.6 on the 70-200 2.8L is sharper than all get out.
BTW guys, I'd take $250 shipped and paypaled for it. I have one slightly lower offer (not by someone on these forums) but I'd like to get a little more.
Paypal received. I'm going to do what I can to get this sent out today, but I've got people coming (not guests, but people who I have to wait for to let in and stuff like that) so it might not happen until tomorrow morning.
Paypal received. I'm going to do what I can to get this sent out today, but I've got people coming (not guests, but people who I have to wait for to let in and stuff like that) so it might not happen until tomorrow morning.
Um, why isn't this embedding the photos in the post?
How good is that going to look on my 400 !!
The format of the gallery is kinda funcky because I was direct embedding in another forum, the way it works is this. For the first two shots I have 4 photos each. Two look the same, but in fact one of those is 50% and full resolution (you can tell by looking at the resolution). Then the crops are 100% crops (assuming you click the link to view original size photos). and the last two are no crops, just 100% and 50%...confusing I know, you'll figure it out.
I can take some more samples tomorrow (it's already dark out) at various aperatures of non moving objects to give people a better idea if someone wants me to, but like I say the only lens I have for this is a 70-200 L 2.8.
Thanks for the last chance anyway
thanks no big hurry.