Licensing/Pricing for Forensic/Fire Images & Video
I'm seeking some advice/guidance on pricing/licensing for some images & video. Hoping some of you from this forum might have some experience, advice or guidance!
I have the single largest collection of photos/video from a recent fire that destroyed several structures - 3 large (agriculture) grain warehouses plus stored commodities in addition to 2 other buildings. One of the insurance companies would like all my photos/video - there is no pending litigation/lawsuits, they just want them in the event (and likelihood!) that these will be needed in the future. While the focus is on early photos/video, they want everything - and, I have about 800 photos (some redundancy in images) and maybe 150 minutes of video clips (10sec-20min) from over a 5hr period.
Any recommendations on how you would price something like this? Primary use will be for any upcoming legal issues - otherwise, they'll not be used for other purposes.
Never priced out the whole lot (one price for all), I'd greatly appreciate any advice on putting together pricing for high res images & HD video for something like this, considering the usage & quantity of media.
Thank you,
I have the single largest collection of photos/video from a recent fire that destroyed several structures - 3 large (agriculture) grain warehouses plus stored commodities in addition to 2 other buildings. One of the insurance companies would like all my photos/video - there is no pending litigation/lawsuits, they just want them in the event (and likelihood!) that these will be needed in the future. While the focus is on early photos/video, they want everything - and, I have about 800 photos (some redundancy in images) and maybe 150 minutes of video clips (10sec-20min) from over a 5hr period.
Any recommendations on how you would price something like this? Primary use will be for any upcoming legal issues - otherwise, they'll not be used for other purposes.
Never priced out the whole lot (one price for all), I'd greatly appreciate any advice on putting together pricing for high res images & HD video for something like this, considering the usage & quantity of media.
Thank you,
I am at a loss with regard to pricing something like this beyond it's going to cost a lot.
You something that is unique.
If they balk at the price you can tell them it's like insurance, if you don't use it it's expensive, if you use it's cheap.
I can recommend you be very careful about the licensing agreement. IE: They can only use them in their own legal cases. They can not be resold, licensed, given away or used by others including subsidiaries.
You have a great problem to have.
Yes, great problem - hopefully! Good advice on the licensing agreement. I appreciate your input!
I have to wonder if there is any sort of " Normal" rate for something like this. It would be purely opportunist.
You do have a very substantial amount of Pics and Video there so by volume alone the price should be significant.
One thing, was there any media coverage of this they could use? What you get may depend on what else is available even if it's not as much or comprehensive.
Has anyone seen your pics or Vid? I would show them only on your own machine and not email or publish a thing. I would also say the value depends exactly on what the images show in relation to whatever they may need to prove. Bit of homework may help you make some assesment as to their value in this regard.
Whatever you charge, ( and make it plenty!) it's going to pale into comparison of the rest of the costs involved. You may want to look at what a Barrister Charges per day or even what they charge out the guy that carries the paper work for them and does the photocopying.
I did a legal case about 15 or so years ago and they had no trouble with my day rate then of $1200. I think I was charging them about $50 for an 8x10 and they bought a LOT of 8x10's. They also made a stuff up and had to get me to come into the city to sign all the pics so they could be used in the case otherwise they were not admissible. I was out of town at the time and had to drive back and I wasn't too pleased. I told them it was going to cost a Lot and they didn't give a damn. They just wanted me there. I drove back the next morning a lot happier than I drove down given I hit them up for another day rate being after hours and working in travel costs etc as well.
There was about $12M riding on the case and the pics were a big part of it so I guess the $8K+ I made on the deal was similar to the lawyers drinks tab at the Pub after the the case was Done.
Whatever number you are thinking, Double it and see if it's still enough in proportion to the potential cost of any payouts or fraudulent claims the pics and Vid may avoid. Although they say there are no cases atm, Being the suspicious type, I'd try and find out if that is true or not. Seems to me that's a good excuse to lower the price ( "we may never use them") but if you know they are going to be needed or valuable to them, Then you also know you're in a much better bargaining position.
One thing that may be something to consider, Put the shoe on the other foot.
What sort of Number do you think they would come up with if you wanted to buy FROM them?
Probably make your eyes water wouldn't it? Your price should be commensurate with what they would charge.
Probably the best advice I've seen on all of 2013!
I will add to this simply because it hasn't been mentioned, consult a lawyer.