Deleting collections to delete from disk

Well I created a collection set of 2 series and then went in and edited each series...and I also rejected many from each series..
I forgot that you can CMD-backspace and delete from disk BEFORE they are put in a collection.
since they are all key worded can I go in and delete the collections, bring up the images through KEYWORDS, CMD-backspace to delete rejected and then re-populate the collections?
This won't affect the edits ( of course not) on each image only the containers ( collections ) that they were in
I forgot that you can CMD-backspace and delete from disk BEFORE they are put in a collection.
since they are all key worded can I go in and delete the collections, bring up the images through KEYWORDS, CMD-backspace to delete rejected and then re-populate the collections?
This won't affect the edits ( of course not) on each image only the containers ( collections ) that they were in
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Author "Color Management for Photographers"