Issue with displaying original size in lightbox
Hey guys,
I've managed to customize a lot of things so far on my website, but there's one thing I just can't get done. When an image opens in lightbox, the size initialy selected is always Large, instead of Original. At first, I thought is was dependent on the resolution of the display, but that's not the case. Whether I see the image on a 1680px on the long side display or a 1024px one, the result is the same: an 1000px image is always displayed at 800px on the long side. It's true one can select the size after opening the image, but that's something I want to avoid. Those buttons in the lower right corner will be hidden after I unveil the site.
Any ideas how can I fix this using css?
I've managed to customize a lot of things so far on my website, but there's one thing I just can't get done. When an image opens in lightbox, the size initialy selected is always Large, instead of Original. At first, I thought is was dependent on the resolution of the display, but that's not the case. Whether I see the image on a 1680px on the long side display or a 1024px one, the result is the same: an 1000px image is always displayed at 800px on the long side. It's true one can select the size after opening the image, but that's something I want to avoid. Those buttons in the lower right corner will be hidden after I unveil the site.
Any ideas how can I fix this using css?
It should fit to the maximum size it can on the screen.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
This is discussed here...
Just lately something was done that seems to scale the sizes in the slide show and the gallery view.
This causes some problems discussed here...
"Original Size" was always used just like another display size before, and was used when it was appropriate.
Some people do not want their pictures rescaled, if possible, and size and sharpen their pictures for ideal viewing.
"Original Size" is the ninth size on the smugmug display sizes list.
"The nine sizes of smugmug
Most photo sharing sites shrink your originals to save space. Not us.
With SmugMug, you get to keep every pixel forever and show them as big as your screen will allow."
There's must a CSS work-around to this issue. I've tried this:
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
position: absolute;
But no luck. If someone around here with CSS knowledge has an idea, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Good luck, but I think you have found your problem. Smugmug seems to resize down/smaller but it won't resize larger. Hope there is a solution that suits.
This sucks! It always used to work.
EDIT: I took my original size picture with a vertical height if 1080 and resized it to X2 size in Photoshop.
The quality of the file size of smugmugs copy is less than "8" in Photoshop's save as command.
I hate to think what their stretched slideshow is. This is all about saving bandwidth.
The only way we can see our original size quality is to manually select "Original Size" in the light box!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!