Republish from Lightroom not working

I am on Lr 5.2 and the Smugmug plugin version 2.0.7.
I can publish new photos to my existing galleries; however, if I modify a photo in Lr, then try to republish that photo, the plugin fails to upload the photo.
Similarly, if I do a "Remove from Collection" operation on one of the photos in Lr, then republish in order to delete the photo from the Smugmug gallery, Lr removes the photo from the collection, but the Smugmug plugin does not delete the photo from the Smugmug gallery.
I turned on debug logging for the "remove from Collection" scenario. I can post the debug output; however, before I do that, is there anything that I should mask out in the information (such as oauth token, etc.)?
I can publish new photos to my existing galleries; however, if I modify a photo in Lr, then try to republish that photo, the plugin fails to upload the photo.
Similarly, if I do a "Remove from Collection" operation on one of the photos in Lr, then republish in order to delete the photo from the Smugmug gallery, Lr removes the photo from the collection, but the Smugmug plugin does not delete the photo from the Smugmug gallery.
I turned on debug logging for the "remove from Collection" scenario. I can post the debug output; however, before I do that, is there anything that I should mask out in the information (such as oauth token, etc.)?
Rather than sharing it here, please just raise a support ticket via
Smugmug Support Hero
Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland
Good idea. A ticket has been opened.
SmugMug Support Hero
If automatic update fails then it is likely to be because the plugin isn't installed in a user writeable area (e.g. as part of the application installation). If that's the case, update using the instructions from
Smugmug Support Hero
Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland
Thanks to David for all the help on this. Republish is working better in 2.0.8 (as is delete), but I still have intermittent issues with publishing a new photo to an existing gallery (works once out of every 5-10 attempts to publish). Debug logs were submitted yesterday for David to look into -- definitely a strange problem. I'd say this is getting close to being fixed, but not quite over the goal line yet.