Lightroom Plugin Publish misses some

I'm having an ongoing problem with the plugin and hope either someone can help, or tell me this is the expected behavior, or maybe fix it.
I periodically make a more global change that affects some photos across galleries, for example I recently deleted a keyword. This flags hundreds (or thousands) of photos for a re-publish of the photo info only (it's not supposed to re-send the image, but I think it sometimes does, but that's another story).
So what I generally do is have all the galleries expanded in the publishing collections, highlight them all, and say "Publish". My expectation is that it goes through each, and sends what is needed from all.
What it really does is run for a few minutes or hours (most recently, numerous times, hours) and then finish. No errors, just finished. Apparently.
Then I look in the galleries and some are all published, and some say "modified need to republish'.
So I've gone through and done the same in a folder at a time, highlighting the 5-20 galleries in a folder, and publish. Same result -- it runs, it appears to finish, but if you immediately look in them, some have images to republish, some do not.
Is doing more than one gallery at a time supposed to work? (Specifically selecting multiple ones, as opposed to separately doing each gallery as a separate operation, which does seem to work, but is very tedious).
Is this a bug?
Is there a more appropriate way to invoke the change, some way to select them differently and say "do everything"?
Anyone else notice this, that not everything is published?
I periodically make a more global change that affects some photos across galleries, for example I recently deleted a keyword. This flags hundreds (or thousands) of photos for a re-publish of the photo info only (it's not supposed to re-send the image, but I think it sometimes does, but that's another story).
So what I generally do is have all the galleries expanded in the publishing collections, highlight them all, and say "Publish". My expectation is that it goes through each, and sends what is needed from all.
What it really does is run for a few minutes or hours (most recently, numerous times, hours) and then finish. No errors, just finished. Apparently.
Then I look in the galleries and some are all published, and some say "modified need to republish'.
So I've gone through and done the same in a folder at a time, highlighting the 5-20 galleries in a folder, and publish. Same result -- it runs, it appears to finish, but if you immediately look in them, some have images to republish, some do not.
Is doing more than one gallery at a time supposed to work? (Specifically selecting multiple ones, as opposed to separately doing each gallery as a separate operation, which does seem to work, but is very tedious).
Is this a bug?
Is there a more appropriate way to invoke the change, some way to select them differently and say "do everything"?
Anyone else notice this, that not everything is published?
Thanks for writing us.
Please write us at the helpdesk (link below) and we can have a Lightroom specialists take a look.
Best Regards,
Suport Hero
Thanks. Let me get a bit more data. I got a SQLlite client and figured out where the flags are, so I can see precisely what gets published with different runs, want to try a few scenarios first.
So for anyone else who may have the same issue, here's what I have found. The symptoms are very consistent in numerous experiments.
Assume you have galleries inside of folders, perhaps inside of other folders.
If you select the galleries directly, control-click to select more than one for example, and hit publish, it MAY not work. It will frequently run without error, doing anywhere from some to all, then just quit. It seems to quit at the end of one gallery, not part way through. Bug IMO.
If you select nothing (I.e. just click on the top level publish bar itself), it appears to do a sync (maybe structure, maybe comments), but no galleries. That's probably normal as I don't have sync photos set (I don't want it to sync, I want it to publish). So normal.
If you select a single folder (e.g. what was a category or subcategory), and do NOT select explicitly any galleries underneath, it appears to always do all the galleries it contains, and if it does not get any other error, all are published.
If you are doing a number of galleries that take a long time, it will rarely run to completion. It gives either "Some export operations were not performed" with "upload failed", or "Can't update this collection - the request timed out". Trying again moves further. No indication of why it stops, no pattern I can see.
I found it was MUCH easier to track which were uploaded and which not by querying the catalog in SQL than looking at each and every gallery. If anyone else finds it useful, just get the SQLite Manager for Firefox (at least for windows) and you can run a query like this:
select PublishedURL, sum(case when photoNeedsUpdating=1 then 1 else 0 end) as ToUpdate, sum(case when photoNeedsUpdating=1 then 0 else 1 end) as NoUpdates
from AgRemotePhoto rp
left join AgLibraryPublishedCollection pc on pc.id_local=rp.collection
group by PublishedURL
order by 1
This will show you each gallery (listing it by URL), and how many need to be updated and how many not. It could easily be changed to tell you why (metadata or image change) as well, or any number of other aspects. The database there is pretty easy to use by just poking around in it; I have not found any documentation though. Maybe in the SDK.
I'll open a ticket with this information, hopefully things will have improved now that the frantic days are behind. But honestly, I'm just tired of being told that obvious, outright bugs are "normal".
On a related note, that it will upload doesn't mean it uploads correctly, there are still problems (at least) with title/caption.
I do believe there is a bug. Is it a bug with the plugin or with lightroom, not sure.
When you have MANY photos to upload (I've seen it only over 1000), in MANY galleries, if you select the galleries en-mass, it will sometimes work, and sometimes no.
If you select a containing folder (only) and so implicitly it is taking all the galleries under it, it appears to work (at least I have never had it fail).
SM has not been able to reproduce it, but more importantly tell me that the plugin itself doesn't know whether you selected the individual galleries (e.g. control-select) or whether you selected a top level containing folder, which would at least seem to imply this might relate to Lightroom.
However, on the other hand, I can see inside of the lightroom catalog with SQL that the images ARE flagged to be updated, and are missed. It's not a problem with lightroom failing to determine a need for upload, in other words.
So it remains a mystery, but one I can not reproduce with a few dozen or even a few hundred photos.