Bearded Tit
The weather conditions on Monday morning were perfect for the Bearded Tit or Bearded Reedling as it is known. There are only 30 pairs in the UK and can only be seen in the tall reeds at a location in North Lancashire. They feed on the reed seeds and they need the grit to digest their food.
I waited over a couple of hours along with at least 50 other photographers, when suddenly this cock bird appeared on one of the grit trays. C & C always appreciated.


I waited over a couple of hours along with at least 50 other photographers, when suddenly this cock bird appeared on one of the grit trays. C & C always appreciated.



Do you have these wee beauties over the Pond?
Best, Pam
Thanks Pam for looking and replying. When I first saw these shots I was somewhat disappointed. I was unable to manoeuvre my camera as everyone was wanting in on the game. I suppose I am quite happy with what I achieved.
I agree! All we can do is make the best of the opportunities presented to us. And to capture this bird is quite something. Best, Pam
Considering the circumstances it was probably an achievement to get any sort of shot, especially with those numbers of other snappers around ... and probably younger / fitter + sharper elbows into the bargain
My std response to people that ask me if there's anything 'rare / unusual' around (at my usual venue) is to say that I'm not a bird watcher / twitcher and wouldn't know such a specimen if it landed next to me (I'd know it was different, but that's another story : )
I then tell 'em I'd much rather take (what I'd consider to be) a decent pic of something common (especially if IT was doing something interesting) than a less than satisfactory pic of something rare / unusual.
Highly unlikely I'd have travelled to see this'un in the first place - especially if I'd known the circumstances ... if I had gone, just for the day out, I'd probably ended up taking pics of the other 'togs instead
You are quite right Paul I would say that threequarters of them were younger than me. I was told that the reason for such a large number of people present was because this species appeared on TV Autumn Watch and the conditions on this particular morning were perfect for them to appear. Having said that there was only the one pair that appeared.
Certainly lets me off the hook then, Bob - we don't have a telly
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I like it Paul. I've just renewed the licence £145 not worth it. Grrrr.