Customizing Text Colors in Tagline and Text Boxes
I'm a newcomer to the forums here and have spent hours looking for ways to modify the text color of the tagline and specific text boxes on my homepage. I'm using the Spartan theme, but modifying it of course to the color scheme that I want.
The entire page has white text. I'm able to choose the logo text color as a different color from the entire page, but the tagline only gives me three options - muted, accent, or default. Does anyone know what CSS code I can implement on my homepage to change the color back to black (#000000)??
Also looking to change the color of the SmugMug text footer too, if possible (or remove it completely & indicate images are copyright of me - not SmugMug).
The entire page has white text. I'm able to choose the logo text color as a different color from the entire page, but the tagline only gives me three options - muted, accent, or default. Does anyone know what CSS code I can implement on my homepage to change the color back to black (#000000)??
Also looking to change the color of the SmugMug text footer too, if possible (or remove it completely & indicate images are copyright of me - not SmugMug).
Here is the css for the subtext to the logo:
.sm-user-ui .sm-page-widget-logo-subtext {
color: #FFC0CB;
Here is the css to change the footer text color:
.sm-user-ui .sm-footer-navitem a {
color: #FFC0CB !important;
You can remove the SmugMug header and footer in the settings button once in your customizer.
Thanks -Scott
any idea how/if I can change my footer to remove all of the typical SmugMug links and just put "(C) my name"??