Search page title tag, and items below search box

linyangchenlinyangchen Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
edited November 9, 2013 in SmugMug Customization

I have questions about customizing two aspects of my search page, which don't seem to be accessible via the normal customization menus but might be possible through CSS:

1. The title at the top of the browser window shows '| SmugMug Search'. Could this be replaced with text of choice?

2. Below the search box, there are four selectable items 'Photos', 'Galleries', 'Videos' and 'Photos+Videos'. How could I hide all those, since I only have photos and the search results are segregated into photos and galleries anyway?

Thank you very much for any help.

Best regards,

where Photons meet Black Holes


  • linyangchenlinyangchen Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited November 9, 2013
    I figured out the answer to question 2 - insert this code:
    .sm-search-options {display:none !important;}

    Question 1 remains headscratch.gif
    where Photons meet Black Holes
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