Sizes not working?

cntastrocntastro Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
edited November 9, 2013 in SmugMug Support
We just noticed that changing "Sizes" in our gallery seems to do nothing. Well, except when you select "Small" the image just blurs. Definitely doesn't change size.

Any ideas? Here's a link to one of the images (they all show the same behavior)

- Craig & Tammy


  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2013
    This is a side effect of my customisation to always show image captions - the image will always be stretched to fill the screen, no matter which size you choose in the image sizes menu (so when it's blurry, you're seeing a Small size stretched to fill the screen).

    I'll have a play around with the customisation to see if I can make it work more like stock SmugMug when the image sizes menu is used. But in general, I think it's a pretty terrible user experience to display an image larger than the window and have the user scroll to see it all, and it's basically worthless to manually chose an image smaller than the window.
  • cntastrocntastro Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited November 9, 2013
    Lamah wrote: »
    This is a side effect of my customisation to always show image captions - the image will always be stretched to fill the screen, no matter which size you choose in the image sizes menu (so when it's blurry, you're seeing a Small size stretched to fill the screen).

    I'll have a play around with the customisation to see if I can make it work more like stock SmugMug when the image sizes menu is used.

    Thanks Lamah! No worries or rush...just wondering if it was one of the customizations or what.
    Appreciate the reply!
    - C&T
  • JtringJtring Registered Users Posts: 679 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2013
    I observe you are using Lamah's "lightbox captions" CSS mod ( I've also used it, although at the moment I don't have it up on my site. I too have noted that it fixes the dimensions of the image on the screen and if you ask for a different size (S, M, L, XL, X2), it appears to scale the other-size image into the fixed-dimension box. I was living with that; a change would be in Lamah's domain.

    Jim Ringland
    Jim Ringland . . . . .
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2013
    Okay, here's what a tweaked version (that has right-click protection turned on) works like:

    I would heartily recommend not clicking "Original", as I accidentally uploaded camera-original size images to the gallery. Please ignore the odd size labels for the other sizes, I'm running an experiment at the moment...

    Basically, if you have right-click protection turned on, and you use the Image Sizes menu to choose an image smaller than the screen, it'll get stretched to fit the screen, which'll make it blurry. Unfortunately, it looks like it is impossible for me to distinguish between using the Image Sizes menu to choose a small size, and using the Fill option to fill the screen, so I can't improve this behaviour. I would suggest hiding the menu options for small image sizes, since I doubt anybody wants to use these by choice anyway. You can hide Small, for example, with:
    #ImageSizeS {

    (similar ids exist for M, L, XL, etc)

    Hiding the menu options doesn't impact the choices SmugMug has for choosing the right size in Fill mode, which is perfect for small-screened devices.

    When you use the Image Sizes menu to choose a size bigger than the screen, this tweak allows it to display at the correct size. The left, right and close buttons float like they would on the regular lightbox to allow them to stay on the screen as you scroll, but the caption area stays at the bottom of the image.

    If this looks useful, let me know and I'll post the modified CSS for it.

    If you're not using right-click-protection, it basically works perfectly, with small images not being stretched:
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