Sorting problem after uploading via Lightroom plugin
Anyone else have this problem? If I upload a photo via the web page, my manual sorting is not affected for that gallery and the new image shows up at the end of the gallery, as it should. But, if I upload via Lightroom using the SmugMug plugin, my manually sorted gallery gets resorted somehow, but only partially, I think. My new upload with Lightroom shows up in the middle of the gallery instead of at the end....and other photos already existing in that gallery are moved around too. Here are some screenshots to show you what I mean. This only happens when I use Lightroom to upload. I don't remember this happening in the past, but it's been happening for at least the last month or longer. I use Lightroom 5 and the latest SmugMug plugin available from SM's web site.
Before any new uploads....notice all the shots of the camera up top. Take note of that....

Also before any uploads, viewing the gallery in the Organizer. Again, take note of the photos and their position.

Now, after an upload via the SmugMug web page, everything is still fine. New photo shows up at the end, as I'd expect.

I deleted that photo and then went to Lightroom and uploaded it through the SmugMug plugin. Doesn't matter which photo, it happens with any photo. Anyway, now look at it. The new upload via LR plugin shows up in the middle of the gallery :-( AND...the worse thing is, a bunch of my other photos got moved around somehow. I didn't move them.

Any idea how/why this is happening? It's very frustrating and causes me to not want to use the plugin as much. But, FYI...the two galleries I have that are sorted by upload date work ok. The new uploads to the sort by upload date galleries work fine/as expected. It's just my manually sorted galleries that are getting messed up when I upload via the plugin.
Before any new uploads....notice all the shots of the camera up top. Take note of that....

Also before any uploads, viewing the gallery in the Organizer. Again, take note of the photos and their position.

Now, after an upload via the SmugMug web page, everything is still fine. New photo shows up at the end, as I'd expect.

I deleted that photo and then went to Lightroom and uploaded it through the SmugMug plugin. Doesn't matter which photo, it happens with any photo. Anyway, now look at it. The new upload via LR plugin shows up in the middle of the gallery :-( AND...the worse thing is, a bunch of my other photos got moved around somehow. I didn't move them.

Any idea how/why this is happening? It's very frustrating and causes me to not want to use the plugin as much. But, FYI...the two galleries I have that are sorted by upload date work ok. The new uploads to the sort by upload date galleries work fine/as expected. It's just my manually sorted galleries that are getting messed up when I upload via the plugin.
If you want to maintain a specific manual sorting...I'd highly recommend doing that from within LR itself.
1. Select "User Order" from the dropdown list (see screenshot below)
2. Drag and drop photos into the correct order
3. Add a new photo or mark an existing photo to be republished
4. Publish
5. The sort order will be applied after the upload is finished
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Oh....interesting. I didn't realize you could do that. I don't remember having this problem in the past though.
I'll try this later today and see what happens.
I don't always keep a copy of the photos I upload to smugmug. Now and then I decide to leave a photo on smugmug but delete it on my computer because I don't care if I keep it anymore. I assume I can chose to sync just certain galleries to Lightroom, not ALL of them, right? So if I click on the sync photos option in the gallery settings within Lightroom, it will only sync/download a copy of the photos in that one gallery, right? I'm ok with letting Lightroom sync the photos to certain galleries, but other galleries I'd just assume let them keep copies of photos I don't have on my computer and don't want to sync. Will what I'm talking about work? If so, I can sync certain galleries which will in some cases download copies of the photos from smugmug and put them back on my PC....then I'll sort them the way I want the gallery.
Given the case you describe this may not work well for you. The original problem that you described is not related to the LR plugin as there is no way to specify position on an upload.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Ok, but what about how it changes the arrangement of the photos I already have uploaded? I'd be ok with only having to move the newly uploaded photos because I usually plan on doing that anyway...but when it rearranges a lot of the other images already in the gallery, that's when it gets really frustrating.