
adding a pop-up to my SM new site?

mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
edited November 12, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
I want to add a pop-up jpg to my website for a promotion I'm running, but I don't know how. Is it possible to do? I'm using the "shadow" theme right now and I already have a slideshow on my front page that I don't want to remove - I'm thinking just a pop-up with the promotion details is what I want.

Any tips appreciated.


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    dnwvictordnwvictor Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited November 12, 2013
    I think you would need to have access to java in order to create pop-up window.
    Did you take in to consideration that many of visitors to your website will have pup up blocker enable in their browser?
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