More text formatting options? Bullets? Tables?

working on our studio website via Smug, so far . I tried to do some Team and Price list section, where there is some text added. Adding photos, text, basic formatting is nice, but as for e.g. for the price list, I would welcome more structural aproach, e.g. at least some ability to have bullets, if tables are not part of the design.
Can it be somehow done via custome CSS, including custom thumbnail for the bullet? Hmm, maybe I will use a workaround - crate such design in some other SW, making it an image, but that is not the way I would like to go ...
working on our studio website via Smug, so far . I tried to do some Team and Price list section, where there is some text added. Adding photos, text, basic formatting is nice, but as for e.g. for the price list, I would welcome more structural aproach, e.g. at least some ability to have bullets, if tables are not part of the design.
Can it be somehow done via custome CSS, including custom thumbnail for the bullet? Hmm, maybe I will use a workaround - crate such design in some other SW, making it an image, but that is not the way I would like to go ...
- text
- text
- text
If you want a special thumbnail for a bullet, you'd really need to create an HTML table to really accomplish this. Or, you could build something with a bunch of individual photo content blocks, and a text box next to each image with the text you want. It may take a little finagling, but that might be another option if you don't want to use an HTML table.SmugMug Support Hero
- first, when I try to upload really small bullet image, and finally get to the image link via Firebug, the system upsizes small image to this ugly stuff: Is there any minimal size I have to work with?
I tried to add following code, linking it to our project page:
ul > li {
background-image: url("");
background-position: left bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y: hidden;
padding-left: 20px;
It kind of works, need to play with the placement of the bullet arrow ... You can see the result here:
Then add this CSS in box CSS tab
My Website index | My Blog
Use an HTML block.
In the HTML tab.
In the CSS tab.
You can see it in this test folder I'm using to redesign my site.
I used a little trick, to get it under the text box, which normally aligns with the bottom of the image - created empty html container on the left side, and shifted the bullet related block top margin in negative direction ....
Well, when you enlarge the picture, then yes, you might be right. I tried to align bullets via CSS, but not much of a luck, so I use background-position: left bottom. It is generally good to give site a go for the testing purposes.
Of course it would be better if smugmug added the the bullet option to the text editor, or even simple tables option ;-)
I might do some tweaking, before our site goes into production ...