Left-right scroll bar?

Any idea why I am getting a left-right scroll bar on my homepage?
FYI, if I so full screen (f11) then back, the bar goes away.
FYI, if I so full screen (f11) then back, the bar goes away.
Note that I'm on a 13" Macbook.
If the issue persists, could you perhaps include more details on your system, like your browser version, screen size, what add-ons / extensions you have installed. A screenshot of your whole screen showing the issue might be helpful as well.
SmugMug Support Hero
To reset try
Ctrl + 0
Reset screen, but I still see it unless I go full screen then back...
I'll post that info if it persists. Thanks.
I see the same on my screen (Chrome/Windows 7). It also clears when I hit f11 and back (full screen).
Have no clue why it does that, but it's not just you.
It began happening when I added the left sidebar... not sure why.
What I found is that the slide show (at 100%) was pushing off the left side of the screen. Setting it to a width of 97% narrowed it enough to eliminate the horizontal scroll.
I have left and right margins set to zero... so I'm stumped.
Getting really frustrated with no fixes coming. Smugmug doesn't even respond anymore.
Oh, but they did just respond to a MAJOR request... they moved the tools in the header area from right justified to left justified... just went live in the last hour... big doings going on at SM
Too bad the real issues go unresolved.
I've noticed a lot of messages like this. Isn't it time to start testing these symptoms on a PC!
I sure can see the problem.