Tripod and Remote for Canon Dig. SLR
Hi all, I am looking for advice on tripods, I know nothing about them and I am needing one as I have heard they are very helpful when trying to take pictures. What's the best tripod, I want one that I can adjust down for low shots and up for high shots but $75 is the limit I can spend on one. Any ideas?
Also is there an remote for a Canon Dig SLR?? I'd love to have one if there is and like to hear if they are any good or not.
Also is there an remote for a Canon Dig SLR?? I'd love to have one if there is and like to hear if they are any good or not.
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
forum. Lots of good stuff.
The short answer is there is a remote for Canon dSLRs. It's the RS-80N3 and
works for the EOS-3, EOS-D200, D30, D60, 1D, 1Ds, 1DMKII and the 10 and
20 D. It's about $50. However, you can find similar remotes on e-bay for
much less. Search for the Canon part number.
As for Tripods. Amazon has a number of them for around $75. I think you'll
want to look at the tripod before you buy. Selecting the most sturdy that you
can afford.
Does all tripod works with all type of cameras or do I need to look for a certain one for canon?
How would I be able to check them out before buying? I live in a small town and the places such as Walmart, Office Depot have their tripods in a box so can't really check them out before buying.
Thank you for answering me
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
If you look on the bottom of your camera, you'll see a bolt hole. This is a
standard size (there are two sizes but for now, don't worry about the smaller
size) and should fit most cameras.
Go ahead and ask the sales person to take the tripod out of the box and
check it out. Make sure it's what you want before you leave the store.
Good luck to you!