What has happened to my logged in tool bar?

I get home and it's now left justified and the tab that had my name on it (that I used to log out) is gone?:scratch:dunno
Edit that: the name is gone but replaced my my bio image... How the heck was I supposed to know what that was?
Edit that: the name is gone but replaced my my bio image... How the heck was I supposed to know what that was?
Support Hero
I know it's been said before but you all need to give folks a heads up before we all go off the deep end thinking we goofed something on our end.
Not that I don't believe you, but with all the other issues, I never heard griping about the placement of the tools.
And as for my name being replaced my the bio pic???? Idiocy. I had no idea what that was for, nor do I like it.
What the *^^$%$£ ?
There are so many things that don't work right (yeah, look at the customer feedback stacked to the rafters in these forums), and you guys are busy playing with stuff that ain't broke?
Jeez, this beggars belief.
I'm beginning to think that SM don't have the will or the tech know-how to fix the busted stuff, so they're throwing up a smokescreen of minor tinkerings and apps in the hope that we'll not notice.
I mean... it looks nice and all, and it works fine. But, wouldn't this be about #1389724289472 on the list of things to do?
(If you'd like a reminder of something simple work on, how about a delete capability for quick settings?)
Jim Ringland
I mean, really, who's going to be able to choose a pic that looks good both at 154px by 370px in the CF and at 1:1 in the SM header? If the 154px by 370px profile pic is, say, a full-length body-shot, the crop for the header would be just a belly!
This is, of course, assuming that SM actually get around to fixing the problem with the profile pic in the CF. They've now made any such fix just that little bit harder.
FWIW, here's how it looks on mine:
I imagine that this change was due to a large volume of help desk questions asking about how to create a page/gallery/folder. Those options have now been brought out into their own top-level "create" menu, where previously they were hidden fairly counter-intuitively under "organize". Helping solve frustrations with getting started building a SmugMug site is anything but "trivial cosmetic noodling".
Does it matter how your profile picture displays in the header? It's not visible to customers, so it hardly matters if you end up "seeing your own belly". The profile pic is the replacement for the username of the currently logged-on user, so it's not going to show anything for customers.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
They don't want to make several changes to the header bar spaced out over weeks, and have people have to reexamine the bar several times to work out how to use it. It's best to combine all the tweaks you have planned at once.
After all the complaining about requiring accounts for commenting in galleries, I doubt SmugMug would be interested in sending people to create an account on yet another third-party site in order to get an avatar here at SM.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
And really, being "spaced out over weeks" probably wasn't a good mindset for the folks that laboured to produce this change
Again, I agree with what you say.
Maybe it would have been better to let the account-holder decide? Have a choice between profile pic or account-holder name?
Mind you, there is a bit of a silver lining to this cloud - at least I see no unwanted "tooltip" popping up when I mouseover the errant image in the header.
Sorry about the late edit!
That'd double the code they need to support and test for no actual benefit; it's not even an interface that's visible to customers. Every time you can avoid adding an option for something, you make the system easier to learn and easier to support (in your training resources, you can avoid having to write 'click on your name at the top right, or click on your profile picture at the top right, then click "account settings"').
Hah! Don't say that too loudly or they might add it in for us!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Exactly. Better said than the way I was going to respond. Now, I'm going to go have a coffee because what I wanted to write would have been really harsh and unfriendly...
It took me a while to move over to the new version spending much of my time trying to mirror the format and look of my lagacy site. To be honest there are aspects of the old version especially on what one can do with the content of Galleries which so far do not appear in the new. Unless of course Im missing something.
I feel a new thread coming on.
Like I said, I'm fine with the "Create" changes, that was a great idea (but still flawed - see http://dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1925236&postcount=6). I'd even be OK with using a pic instead of the username if it didn't default to the same pic as is used in the CF.
But you are unfriendly anyway, with attitude like that. Well, screw the image (which is useless anyway, as it's smaller than the tip of the needle), but who's the genius behind the left alignment of the rest of the menu?!
Those using FullHD monitors need to go to the left for the Upload, Create, Organize, Customize, but - if you want to do some account related settings, you have to go to the right in the interface. This really feels a bit disorganised to say the least ....
Well, OK, I went overboard. But why is the logic behind the change, which does more than just add the +Create menu item, coming from you rather than somebody at SmugMug?
Jim Ringland
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Hey Andy, nice the hear from you...
The problem is Andy that SM does not answer the questions directly so folks are getting frustrated... like you of all people would understand...
No no, my point is, Lamah gave a good answer. SmugMug can't possibly answer every thread made on Dgrin.
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