The Fix when you make a new unique gallery but you did it in All Galleries

ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
edited November 16, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
Having learned the hard way I thought I would post what I learned.
SM's system does not do a good job of reminding you if and when you are creating a unique gallery, to make sure you are doing so in the right place, either "All Galleries" or "Just This Gallery".

If you spend 40 hours making a gallery, Publish it (which is to you only, privately), roam around and then fall off your chair when you discover all galleries now contain that content - you made it in All Galleries - here's the fix:

1. Go to Customize, in the gallery you created.
2. Click Just This Gallery, and answer yes to apply the rule.
3. Publish (Top right, click Done, Publish Now).
4. Re-open to Customize site.
5. Go to All Galleries.
6. Delete each custom block you had dropped in, that belonged to the unique gallery, that don't belong in All Galleries. Don't delete any block you DO need in All Galleries.
7. Publish again.

If you don't do #3 after #2, and instead jump and do #6, you will accidentally delete the unique gallery completely, and have to start over. Yup. :nod
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