Size of thumbnails in galleries overview

mfkkoelnmfkkoeln Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited November 18, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
Hello, I have still not converted to the new smugmug. Main reason is, I don't find a way to change the size AND spacing between the gallery thumbnails in the galaries overview grid. I can only change to small (which is still to big for my taste) but the spacing remains the same (i.e. just more thumbnails in one line) I want to keep the thumnails pretty small with a lot of space between them, but the titles of the gallaries should remain big enough (i.e. not skrink with the size of the thumbnail)
Is there a way to do that ? I would like it to look like in the old smugmug (see attachment)
kind regards


  • mfkkoelnmfkkoeln Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited November 18, 2013
    I found that I can live with the spacing in the cosmo design but the drawback there is that within a folder I only have the choice to display pictures in a vertical row or slideshow, but not thumbnails on the left and larger picture on the right / select single pictures / slideshow.
    Can I use cosmo as a general design and willow within gallaries or can I change cosmo to have the inside gallary features like in willow ?
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