Cumulus Mtn. and Ferine Point Hike

Hello! I hiked these peaks earlier this year when the snow was first starting to fall and I don't think I ever shared it with you guys here. In anticipation of using the new camera for outdoors pictures with hopes theres no noise issues :uhoh I am gonna post this hike. Pics taken with my unlces 2mp cannon so they are not the sharpest but I think the scenery helps make up for it! Enjoy.
Dano and I had decided to do our first peak together since Cantata and we decided on Cumulus. Dano had already been up to Ferine point in the winter time and had wanted to do Cumulus. We parked at the nature center and headed towards Kiliak Road. We walked the road for a while until we found a path on the right which looked like it lead up the mountain. We walked this path which we had a little trouble following at times because they had newly bulldozed a road right through parts of the trail. Before long we were beyond the bulldozed sections and heading up the gully to obtain the ridge leading to Ferine Point. The dew from the morning was still pretty strong as we had started out around 11am. This meant wet pants and shoes as the grass had grown over the trail pretty well. Some of the brush had started to wilt though with the oncoming of fall.
We reached the ridge after only a bit over an hour and looked down into Ram Valley. To be honest it looked like it would be easier to hike up Ram Valley and just ascend the small part to the ridge from where we stood. However it was nice to get out and be on a trail that I had not been on before. We headed directly up the ridge toward Ferine. There had been very little cloud cover and the only clouds that were around were literally appearing in front of us. It was still a pretty warm day with a chilly wind and blue skies. The ridge hike to Ferine was pretty uneventful except for the absolutely beautiful views from all angles.
When we did get to Ferine Point we saw lots of sheep grazing and by the time we made it to Cumulus we had counted around 30 of them. Instead of heading the same way back down that we came we were going to go out the way that Dano had gone out before. He was not 100% on the direction since the last time he was up there was during a winter trip from the MCA. He did manage to lead us well down the maze of gullies that lead to a nice trail following the river and headed out into a private property area. We saw 2 black bears, around 15 goats, and more sheep on the down climb. We hiked out the private property area past a sign that read “PRIVATE PROPERTY – NOT THE TRAIL” and had the picture of hikers crossed out on it. It was weird there was no trail there because it sure seemed like one. We were back at the car by 6:30pm and had another awesome hike!
[Thanks to Dano for the use of his camera!]
Dano heading up on the ridge towards Ferine.

More hiking along the ridge.

Raina Peak

I am hiker man Eagle River. hear me roar!

Pleasant Mountain

Checking out future climbs

Korohusk in all of its glory.

Bellicose and Peters Peak

Signing the register at Cumulus.

Coming over the final section of the ridge to Cumulus

Valley below Polar Bear - Anyone know the ascent path into this valley? How about the difficulty?

Descent Path

Polar Bear - How could I go in there and not take a picture of Polar Bear like this?
Dano and I had decided to do our first peak together since Cantata and we decided on Cumulus. Dano had already been up to Ferine point in the winter time and had wanted to do Cumulus. We parked at the nature center and headed towards Kiliak Road. We walked the road for a while until we found a path on the right which looked like it lead up the mountain. We walked this path which we had a little trouble following at times because they had newly bulldozed a road right through parts of the trail. Before long we were beyond the bulldozed sections and heading up the gully to obtain the ridge leading to Ferine Point. The dew from the morning was still pretty strong as we had started out around 11am. This meant wet pants and shoes as the grass had grown over the trail pretty well. Some of the brush had started to wilt though with the oncoming of fall.
We reached the ridge after only a bit over an hour and looked down into Ram Valley. To be honest it looked like it would be easier to hike up Ram Valley and just ascend the small part to the ridge from where we stood. However it was nice to get out and be on a trail that I had not been on before. We headed directly up the ridge toward Ferine. There had been very little cloud cover and the only clouds that were around were literally appearing in front of us. It was still a pretty warm day with a chilly wind and blue skies. The ridge hike to Ferine was pretty uneventful except for the absolutely beautiful views from all angles.
When we did get to Ferine Point we saw lots of sheep grazing and by the time we made it to Cumulus we had counted around 30 of them. Instead of heading the same way back down that we came we were going to go out the way that Dano had gone out before. He was not 100% on the direction since the last time he was up there was during a winter trip from the MCA. He did manage to lead us well down the maze of gullies that lead to a nice trail following the river and headed out into a private property area. We saw 2 black bears, around 15 goats, and more sheep on the down climb. We hiked out the private property area past a sign that read “PRIVATE PROPERTY – NOT THE TRAIL” and had the picture of hikers crossed out on it. It was weird there was no trail there because it sure seemed like one. We were back at the car by 6:30pm and had another awesome hike!
[Thanks to Dano for the use of his camera!]
Dano heading up on the ridge towards Ferine.
More hiking along the ridge.
Raina Peak
I am hiker man Eagle River. hear me roar!
Pleasant Mountain
Checking out future climbs
Korohusk in all of its glory.
Bellicose and Peters Peak
Signing the register at Cumulus.
Coming over the final section of the ridge to Cumulus
Valley below Polar Bear - Anyone know the ascent path into this valley? How about the difficulty?
Descent Path
Polar Bear - How could I go in there and not take a picture of Polar Bear like this?
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area to explore, you're very lucky. Pics are great, even though
only 2meg. Thanks for sharing.
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