Sigh. And how do I do that? I just googled it for the past half hour and got no where. Please excuse me for being stupid.
annnna8888Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 936SmugMug Employee
edited November 21, 2013
Angie, you can set a background image in the active theme. Upload the image you want to use as your beackgroun to one of your unlisted galleries, then go to customize > customize site > entire site > theme tab, and click on the wrench icon of the active theme. Then select this image under the Background tab.
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Oh Goodness, I'm sorry. Ana's answer is the simple one. I got sidetracked by "behind text", as I didn't think that was the same as a "background image" which would apply to the whole site.
Use an HTML block to create a table, with or without a background, with or without an image.
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