Picasa2 makes corrupt jpgs
I think I've discovered an important issue that us Picasa users may need to know. Here's how you may repeat the problem.
I can save a specific jpg to Smugmug (SM) without a problem. If I then open that file in Picasa2 and edit it (e.g. Feeling Lucky tool) and then repost to SM, the file lands on SM but eternally remains as a "Processing Image" placeholder: the image never renders.
If I then take that same corrupt jpg and open and resave it in any image tool (e.g. ZoombrowserEX) the file can upload to Sm with no problem.
This tells me that Picasa2 adds metadata or some other stuff that keeps SM from storing or rendering the image correctly.
Anybody have a solution? I really like Picasa because it a) can crop pics while retaining their printing dimensions, b) is free and 3) has the Feeling Lucky tool that fixes my white balance.
I can save a specific jpg to Smugmug (SM) without a problem. If I then open that file in Picasa2 and edit it (e.g. Feeling Lucky tool) and then repost to SM, the file lands on SM but eternally remains as a "Processing Image" placeholder: the image never renders.
If I then take that same corrupt jpg and open and resave it in any image tool (e.g. ZoombrowserEX) the file can upload to Sm with no problem.
This tells me that Picasa2 adds metadata or some other stuff that keeps SM from storing or rendering the image correctly.
Anybody have a solution? I really like Picasa because it a) can crop pics while retaining their printing dimensions, b) is free and 3) has the Feeling Lucky tool that fixes my white balance.
SmugMug Support Hero
Which uploader (s)? Can you email me one file so I can test it pls? Send it to my attn at help@smugmug.com
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We did have a period of time where the system was really slow and files took longer to upload. I am using both S*E and the basic uploader.