Looped animated gifs vs stats
I'm messing about with using looped animated gifs as Featured Images on my homepage (http://beardedgit.smugmug.com) to give it a bit of cheap variety without having to resorting to code or to slideshows where I can't control the crop, the speed and the transition.
These are probably dumb questions, but does loading and looping gifs as Featured Images affect SM's image load stats? Are Featured Image loads counted, and if so does the load stat then stay constant or go up by 1 each time a gif starts a new loop?
These are probably dumb questions, but does loading and looping gifs as Featured Images affect SM's image load stats? Are Featured Image loads counted, and if so does the load stat then stay constant or go up by 1 each time a gif starts a new loop?
Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
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Why wouldn't it?
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I was also trying to figure which other images count towards stats and which don't. There are other image uses in New SM about which I've been curious, for example the avatar-thumb that appeared recently in the SM Header, and the pic that appears in the SM Contact Form. Surely loading them doesn't contribute to the stats, does it?
Your avatar shows only for you as the logged in account owner - visitors won't see it. Photos you view as the logged in account owner don't count toward your stats.
I'm not sure about the profile image, but I suspect if a visitor views it, it's counted towards stats like other photos as well.
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Although I do find it odd that if I load a gallery in SmugMug Style, each of the thumbnails in the grid on the left side would count as a stats hit.
Well, at least both of you guys have educated me a bit more in the Dark Arts of New SM, so cheers for that. I'll soon be a black-belt at this malarkey
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