Removing entire site content for a single page
Is there a way to block or remove content that is at the entire site level for a specific page. What I am trying to do is create a simple holding page that doesn't have the menu or logo at the top but i don't want to remove these elements from the entire site section as ill have to edit every page when i make changes.
I am suspecting there is some CSS that might be able to block it?
Many Thanks
I am suspecting there is some CSS that might be able to block it?
Many Thanks
CSS can be added to hide almost anything on the page.
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I have removed all elements that I am able to but for this page only i want to block the logo and menu content blocks.
Many Thanks
.sm-page-node-b8qNT .sm-page-widget-logo,
.sm-page-node-b8qNT .sm-page-widget-462400
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thank you for your help!
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Hi, I searched the forum for this thread as it seems I want the same thing.
I created a page, and I want to remove the site elements at the top, the "entire site content".
I simply don't want it to show here. I saw the CSS code above and that's where my query comes from. I must be making an error since adding that code does not hide the elements. I added a CSS block for just this page and added that CSS code above,nothing happened. What did I do wrong? Thanks!
The CSS in post 5 above is for that specific page. All pages are different. The red part.
What elements do you want removed?
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What you are wanting to do is going to require some CSS to hide the Entire Site page elements from just that page. This is an advanced customization that the experts on can help you with. They can guide you on the correct CSS elements to use.
All the best,
want to remove can be obtained. Have you unveiled your site? If not there's not much we can do.
To construct the CSS takes the class names of the elements plus the node ID of the page.
The site wise logo keeps the same class name on every page but the page and widgets change
on ever page. Red
.sm-page-node-b8qNT .sm-page-widget-logo,
.sm-page-node-b8qNT .sm-page-widget-462400
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I notice the upper nav bar is still there though, Does the number change (the 462400)?
Here's what mine looks like
<div id="sm-page-widget-qvWm5fNM" class="sm-page-widget sm-page-widget-nav sm-page-widget-375144">
The red is the class for my nav, you should have one with a different number. I checked two of my
pages and the number was the same.
BTW, you could make this page "Just this ...." but by using the page node id on each it'll only apply to
this page. Or if it is already a independently made page it could go in "Just this ..." CSS.
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Also, I'm puzzled by your use of "just this ..." I saw it in the earlier posts, I see "just this page" on my customization bar. But I'm thinking you are meaning more. Thanks for your help!
customiz it different from every other page of that type.
For a gallery, in the right flyout under "all galleries" you'll see "Make This Gallery Custom". After you
click it and apply you'll now see "Just This Gallery" under "All Galleries".
Pages automatically come in independent with "Just This Page" highlighted.
Folders have to be clicked "Make This Folder Custom" to get the "Just This Folder".
So I use the generic term "Just This ..." to cover any of the page types. It's the
one to highlight when customizing an independent page, folder or gallery.
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I use Firebug for Firefox on Win7. I can right click on a page element and bring up the html to see all the div's and classes.
Example of clicking a html box (widget on a page) (scroll to right to see all) This is the top of the page source html. In the "body" you can find the individual ID for a page, every
page is different. If you do or do not make a page independent you can use this page class to modify
CSS in "all galleries", "all folders" or "entire site" for only this page.
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