So can we still view original images?

I just tried to view some images at original size. Does this still work or is it something else that went away?
I noticed that the share original link had gone but you used to be able just to put an O on the end of the share url to display original. I could not get this to work can it still be done?
I noticed that the share original link had gone but you used to be able just to put an O on the end of the share url to display original. I could not get this to work can it still be done?
The portion in yellow change to O and remove the portion in red.
Support Hero and Customeister
OK that worked Eric, thank you!
A bit cumbersome though! Was there a reason to remove original from the share link options? I don't use it often but sometimes need to.
Support Hero and Customeister
Why on earth should SM have Originals so easily enabled for sharing? Except for pixel peeping dirty measurebators, there is NO REASON! And if someone wants to post a review, or sample, they can just post a 100% crop.
You can still do it though, so go ahead!
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Well it used to be an option then disappeared seemingly without any explanation from SM if it was an intentional removal or not or weather or not it will return.
Don't you think some clarification one way or the other to those cutomers who are asking would be good customer relations?
Just wonderin'
We're not all like you, concerned that others will take our pics. Some of us share under Creative Commons licences. Some of us have Originals smaller than SM's X3 limit, and don't want to have their pics scaled to a standard SM size, and perhaps sharpened in the process.
I want Originals for sharing easily enabled, and so do others who want to share their Originals with me. I'll assume therefore that you are calling me and them "pixel peeping dirty measurebators", and so I'll respectfully remind you of this Forum Rule: as per YOUR dgrin rules post at
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I'm pretty sure there used to be a "Share Original" button. But I can't say that I'm certain about that!
Memory & all!!
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And to add a little FYI because I just ran into this scenario. I had a former coworker from the museum where I once was employed ask for some copies of shots I'd taken of her work. I've a gallery that's basically a catch all collection of images taken in, and around the museum. Some are originals, while others are copies. I temporarily allowed originals to be viewed so she could download a few. Only images that are hosted in the gallery were available as an original, and downloadable. Collected photos from other galleries were not.