Help! Annoying watermark on thumbnails.
Hey guys I am new to the forum but here is my problem. I have multiply surf galleries here.
I have been happy with my settings and saved them as a quick setting. The last few galleries have started doing something different from the other galleries which is putting the watermark on the thumbnails which my previous galleries did not. The previous galleries were perfect as you could browse the thumbnails and easily find your photos and not see the watermark until you clicked on the photo and it became larger for viewing which was perfect. Now the problem is that the watermark on the thumbnails makes browsing much harder. I have emailed the help team with multiply emails but can't get a good answer on why all my galleries before are fine but the latest ones are different. Check out my link and see for yourself what I am trying to say. I hope someone out there can help me. Also I went back to the previous galleries and saved the settings as a quick setting hoping I could just reproduce the settings I desired but when applying that quick setting the watermark still shows on the thumbnail. What has changed? I can't figure this out. :dunno
I have been happy with my settings and saved them as a quick setting. The last few galleries have started doing something different from the other galleries which is putting the watermark on the thumbnails which my previous galleries did not. The previous galleries were perfect as you could browse the thumbnails and easily find your photos and not see the watermark until you clicked on the photo and it became larger for viewing which was perfect. Now the problem is that the watermark on the thumbnails makes browsing much harder. I have emailed the help team with multiply emails but can't get a good answer on why all my galleries before are fine but the latest ones are different. Check out my link and see for yourself what I am trying to say. I hope someone out there can help me. Also I went back to the previous galleries and saved the settings as a quick setting hoping I could just reproduce the settings I desired but when applying that quick setting the watermark still shows on the thumbnail. What has changed? I can't figure this out. :dunno
a Smugmug style gallery you will see actual thumbnails used there. The only way I know to rid of WM's
is create images to use without a WM. I created an unlisted gallery to store and link to for these
specific created non-WM images and then pointed to the image in the gallery/folder settings.
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I just switched one of my galleries to thumbnail style temporarily. What I found is that there are watermarks on the thumbs. The gallery I switched was almost entirely landscape-mode photos, with one portrait-mode photo. Because my watermark is on the left side of the image it only showed on the portrait-mode photo. With a watermark across the image like the "proof" you are using, it will show on all photos.
When did you switch from legacy to new smug? Just curious if it was around the time of the galleries starting to show a watermark on the thumbs.
The thumbs in a thumbnail style gallery in new smug are larger than the old 100x100 or 150x150 thumbs that we could opt not to watermark in legacy. Based on this thread it appears that thumbs in a thumbnail-style are watermarked in new smug.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
For the watermark to be applied properly, you would need to re-watermark the photos in these galleries that don't show the watermark on the gallery tile. There's currently no option to not show a watermark on folder / gallery tiles.
The only workaround to that would be to manually apply a different feature image for the gallery and that you set that feature image to a photo that is not watermarked at all. Feature images can be selected from any gallery on your site so that the unwatermarked photo would not have to reside in the specific gallery.
If you have further questions, also include which quick setting you apply when you create these galleries so we could take a look at what settings are in place for it.
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