Help with custom domain
Help please.
I am trying to get my domain to point to my Smugmug site.
I went to my dns settings. There are three A records, labelled www, mydomain, and ftp. There is no cname so I created a cname record pointing to and labelled it www.mydomain. I changed the mydomain A record to point to the smugmug ip I changed the www A record too to contain the smugmug ip..
Then on Smugmug I updated my account to point to www.mydomain and saved it. Before saving Smugmug seems to check with my provider that the links are correct there - but I am not sure.
Trouble is nothing has changed. When I type my url in I get my old site showing even though I changed the ip to smugmug. I have the feeling I did something stupid along the way and none the wiser for reading the help and other posts here.
Any advice would be most welcome.
I am trying to get my domain to point to my Smugmug site.
I went to my dns settings. There are three A records, labelled www, mydomain, and ftp. There is no cname so I created a cname record pointing to and labelled it www.mydomain. I changed the mydomain A record to point to the smugmug ip I changed the www A record too to contain the smugmug ip..
Then on Smugmug I updated my account to point to www.mydomain and saved it. Before saving Smugmug seems to check with my provider that the links are correct there - but I am not sure.
Trouble is nothing has changed. When I type my url in I get my old site showing even though I changed the ip to smugmug. I have the feeling I did something stupid along the way and none the wiser for reading the help and other posts here.
Any advice would be most welcome.
Delete the www A record.
Make sure that the CNAME record is www CNAME Do not use www.mydomain unless your domain host specifically requires it. That is rare so try just the www first and see if it works.
Once you make the changes, wait. It can take a couple hours for the DNS to update. Our system will not let you enter the domain in the account settings until it can see it in the DNS.
If you still have trouble, email us on the help desk. We can take a look and even set it up for you if you end along the domain host login info.
Thanks. I deleted the www A record. I then changed the CNAME line to be just www as label, type CNAME, and content
The smugmug account settings seems happy still, so I guess I now wait a while. (My old site is still showing up when I put in the url)
SmugMug Support Hero
When I get more time I'll take a screen shot of the Widexs dns settings and mail to the help desk at Smugmug.
Thanks again for the super support.