Fixed!? Gallery pagination of thumbnails

ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
edited February 16, 2014 in Bug Reporting
Yay it appears the little rectangle thingy that overlaid the new format for pagination, has been debugged.


  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited November 29, 2013
    Mind looks the same? Something out of the '90's. Is this a joke? The looks and actions of this thing? They
    need to hire some 10 year old to redesign it for them.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • pbandjpbandj Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited November 29, 2013
    Yep still broken here (in Firefox, where it's always been broken). In Chrome, it's always looked better, but doesn't particularly work intuitively, since clicking the upside-down chevron does nothing. These are still the same as they've been.
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2013
    It's been awful quiet here lately. Lots' of these problems are programing 101 stuff.
    There is just no excuse for these bugs after so many months.
    When you start working on your site and moving and rearranging pictures etc. the workflow is just torture.
    The page forward / backward arrows should be on each side of the pagination, not up high.
    I'm so sick of having to drag every picture I upload from the bottom of the gallery because you can't assign where uploaded pictures go in manual sort.

    Here is a standard way you see pagination on any forum... (even this one!)


    See my gallery at
  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2013
    My apology, I was seeing the good pagination on Chrome, which I haven't used before, enough to see this piece. Thought it had been broken on all browsers. :(
  • papipoissonpapipoisson Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited December 9, 2013
    I just like to know if what I get comes from the same bug...

    See pict below.

  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2013
    Yes, that's the critter.
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    The little v arrow seems to be gone now and spacing is more logical.
    Also login page is fully loaded with Name and Password for the first time!

    Firefox ver. 26.

    See my gallery at
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    The little v arrow seems to be gone now and spacing is more logical.
    Also login page is fully loaded with Name and Password for the first time!

    Firefox ver. 26.

    Page nav looks exactly the same here in v26, crappy including the v.

    Log in did bring up my browser PW and entered the username and PW.
    So it sensed it as a log in page.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    Page nav looks exactly the same here in v26, crappy including the v.

    This is what I see now.

    See my gallery at
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2013
    Add a v to the right for me.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    Add a v to the right for me.

    Found this code I forgot I had used which explanes the difference...

    /* Adjust position of SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination drop-down button */

    /* Visually re-center the SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination block */

    /* Hide the useless down-arrow next to the SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination digits */
    .sm-gallery-smugmug {
    See my gallery at
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    This is what it looks like without the above code... :cry

    See my gallery at
  • papipoissonpapipoisson Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Thanks, Dennismullen!
    That code works fine for me!
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Found this code I forgot I had used which explanes the difference...
    FWIW, since I posted that code I had to adapt it to make it Firefox-specific, as some folk found that the original made things worse in Chrome. I also added a second part to tart up the image-nav area if required:
    /* BUG FIX PART A: Firefox Only - correct the SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination block (below the thumbnails) */
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination-total{
      padding-left: 20px
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination{
      padding-right: 25px
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-smugmug {
      display: none!important
    /* BUG FIX PART B: Centre and reduce spread of the SmugMug-Style Gallery image navigation block (below the main image) */
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-image-pagination {
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;
      width: 40%
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug {
      padding-left: 5px;
      padding-right: 5px
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-image-totals {
      display: inline
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Thanks beardegit,

    I'm using you're improved version, but it didn't work at first.
    Your post is missing the " } " after the third line in the first part.


    /* BUG FIX PART A: Firefox Only - correct the SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination block (below the thumbnails) */
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination-total{
    padding-left: 20px
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-tiles-pagination{
    padding-right: 25px
    .sm-browser-firefox .sm-gallery-smugmug {
    display: none!important

    /* BUG FIX PART B: Centre and reduce spread of the SmugMug-Style Gallery image navigation block (below the main image) */
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-image-pagination {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 40%
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug {
    padding-left: 5px;
    padding-right: 5px
    .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-image-totals {
    display: inline
    See my gallery at
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Now if someone could figure out how to add a forward and backward arrow, "< >", on each side of the thumbnail pagination that would do the same job as the giant arrows on each side of the thumbnails.
    They would match the forward and backward arrows under the picture.

    See my gallery at
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Now if someone could figure out how to add a forward and backward arrow, "< >", on each side of the thumbnail pagination that would do the same job as the giant arrows on each side of the thumbnails.
    They would match the forward and backward arrows under the picture.


    I'll have a shufty at it. Back soon!
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Re. the GBFO arrows: I've made them match and tinkered with the spacing (so that they look the same distances from the thumbs) but so far I've not got around to moving them. This works in Firefox and Chrome but is untested in other browsers, will it do for now until I can learn a bit more CSS?
    /* Shrink & side-shift the GBFO SmugMug-Style Gallery pagination arrows (either side of the thumbnails) */
    .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-nav .sm-fonticon {
        width: 20px;
        display: block;
        opacity: 0.7;
        font-size: 20px;
    .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-fonticon {
        width: 20px;
        margin-left: 11px
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2013
    Thanks beardegit,

    I'm using you're improved version, but it didn't work at first.
    Your post is missing the " } " after the third line in the first part.

    Fixed now, thanks for the heads-up thumb.gif
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • JKPJKP Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited February 16, 2014
    Hey guys,
    Thanks for posting all this. I have no idea what I am doing in the CSS. I read your stuff, copy, and paste into my sandbox new smugmug and see if it works. Some does, some doesn't. I am working in Firefox and have run up on a thumbnail pagination problem. If I am viewing in less than full screen, some galleries have multiple pages. If the pagination happens to be under a portrait oriented image, the images lies on top of the pagination info. What is the cure for this? I don't think anyone but heroes can see my sandbox. The sandbox page I was messing with is

    Any help is appreciated.
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