Client Proof Page Suggestions

THOnlineTHOnline Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
edited November 30, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
I am creating galleries for clients to view and select proofs. I understand the Event function (or at least I'm learning it).
But I am coming to find that there are no good gallery layouts that are conducive to client proofing. The best would be something that looks like the photos do when viewed in the Organize interface but with bigger thumbnails. This may be one of the times I've figured out there isn't a good solution but I am going to ask anyway if anyone has a good idea or found something that works well. "Thumbnails" would be good if you could actually have non-square thumbs and the collage options look cool for portfolio but are too crowded and varied for proofing.

Bonus question- can you have a second gallery style? My over all site design is set up to make my portfolios look good but the body is too skinny (it should have infinite horizontal stretch for proofing, not a max width) and the background is too busy for proofing. Would love if I have one design template for portfolio and one for client proofing.


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