Bad error message in Organizer while Moving stuff

Moving a Subfolder to another Subfolder, this flashed up. In trying to see what happened, I couldn't see anything other than the subfolder didn't move.
Shortly after this SM put up a message along the lines of, something went wrong with moving and SM needs to refresh itself to sort things out. That was nice
{ "response": { "Options": { "Methods": [ "POST" ], "ParameterDescription": { "Text": "Variable length text from MIN_CHARS to MAX_CHARS (MAX_CHARS = INFINITY meaning arbitrary length)", "Boolean": "For true return type true or 1, for false type false or 0" }, "Parameters": { "POST": [ { "Name": "MoveUris", "Label": "Move Folder Uris", "Required": true, "ReadOnly": false, "Default": null, "Type": "Text", "MIN_CHARS": 0, "MAX_CHARS": "INFINITY", "Value": "/api/v2/folder/user/JoinRats/Other2/RatGuide", "Problems": [ "Unable to parse uris" ], "UriProblems": { "/api/v2/folder/user/JoinRats/Other2/RatGuide": [ "Does not exist" ] } }, { "Name": "AutoRename", "Label": "Auto-Rename Conflicting Folder UrlNames", "Required": false, "ReadOnly": false, "Default": false, "Type": "Boolean", "Value": true } ] } }, "Response": { "Uri": "/api/v2/folder/user/JoinRats/Used!movefolders?_filteruri=z&_quiet=1", "UriDescription": "Move Folders", "EndpointType": "MoveFolders" }, "Code": 400, "Message": "Bad Request" } }
Shortly after this SM put up a message along the lines of, something went wrong with moving and SM needs to refresh itself to sort things out. That was nice
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