search box behavior

Question for SmugMug developers and their managers: is there any particular reason why you left search content box wide open for "wildcards"? Typing ANY non-alphabet character on a keyboard apparently returns ALL images.
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Simple ASCII punctuation like "*" is normally stripped out before search begins, since they won't be found in the search index, which'll result in an empty search query that'll return every single photo. Unicode characters like "£" might avoid that stripping, since they're difficult to identify as punctuation, so they end up being searched for as words.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Anyway, SM ain't Google. Chalk and cheese, you can't compare them.
Sorry for the late edit.
Yes, it is a problem. If I have a search function on my (gee... I guess "my" does not apply anymore for SM accounts) site then it is my decision whether or not allow wide open search.
Sorry, Nicolas, you lost me here. Why exactly, under what logic, should an empty search query return every single photo?