Limiting dropshadows to certain photo thumbnails?

With help from the great wizards on this forum and a little (well tons of) digging for code to achieve what I want, I'm almost there but have come to a screeching halt from a side-effect of the code.
What it's doing: putting the dropshadows around photo and folder thumbnails, both a default border plus a different color hover border, everywhere: galleries, folders, and photos.
AND, what I don't want: the hover border on single photo BLOCKS that are more used as embedded photos, such as a separator line or graphic image. These should be seamless, no borders.
May I have the code to fix this? Thanks.
What it's doing: putting the dropshadows around photo and folder thumbnails, both a default border plus a different color hover border, everywhere: galleries, folders, and photos.
AND, what I don't want: the hover border on single photo BLOCKS that are more used as embedded photos, such as a separator line or graphic image. These should be seamless, no borders.
May I have the code to fix this? Thanks.
*Add a drop shadow to apply to all images, including the main image in SmugMug layout */ .sm-tiles-list .sm-tile .sm-tile-content { box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 3px #FFFFFF; } /* Add a drop shadow to gallery and folder images */ .sm-tile .sm-tile-content:hover { box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 3px #13F }