high res to low res
In an effort to not give all my stuff away to my clients…I developed some price point packaging that keeps things affordably priced without giving away the possibility of future profits. However, I'm having some technical difficulties. I need to make high res images to low res images. I need to give my client a file that can produce beautifully but only up to a 5x7…. and in doing so, make sure that they can't change the size on their end. I've tried a bunch of things not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It is simply not possible to do this. A photo that will reproduce beautifully at 5x7 can make very nice photos 3 times that size if upsized correctly.
I sell two sizes of digital download. One suitable for Facebook or instagram, and one suitable for printing 20x30. There really is little need to worry about anything in-between.
I took a full size JPG (5184×3456) and reduced it to 2100×1400 (7 inches × 4.6 inches @ 300 d.p.i.) and I used high compression to save it. The trick would be to compress to a level that allows a good 7×~5 print. I tried 50%, probably too much to print at 7×5, but I can't test.
Resizing that file back up to the original 5184×3456 (~17×11 inches @ 300 d.p.i.) introduced a %*&-load of artifacts.
Just resizing to 2100×1400, saving, reloading and resizing back up to 5184×3456 without 'extreme' compression didn't introduce as much loss of quality.
Maybe it's worth a try?
Like I said, maybe if downsized correctly.