File names in Gallery in Folder

Good Morning!
For only galleries in this folder:
for example:
I would like each file name to appear at the top, left hand side of its image. These galleries are in Journal Mode.
I have tried altering my CSS with no success. Nothing ends up showing up...
Can I get some help so I have happy puppy parents? The goal--they can tell me a file name. Right now file names are only only showing up when in, what I think is called, Lightbox mode.
Thanks, all!!
For only galleries in this folder:
for example:
I would like each file name to appear at the top, left hand side of its image. These galleries are in Journal Mode.
I have tried altering my CSS with no success. Nothing ends up showing up...
Can I get some help so I have happy puppy parents? The goal--they can tell me a file name. Right now file names are only only showing up when in, what I think is called, Lightbox mode.
Thanks, all!!
If you want a tool that will help you add the image filename to the caption for you (so you can have both a caption and a filename displaying), try this:
It was designed to add PayPal buttons to photos, but if you enter your "PayPal button code" as "Filename: $FILENAME", it'll automatically add filenames to the end of your captions for you instead. It won't add any weird PayPal stuff to the gallery
If you just need a way of identifying photos, you might try:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!