Gallery wide map
There is no way to (easily) view a map of geotagged photos in a single gallery. There is the site-wide map we (basic users) can add to our homepage, and there are "Map This" buttons on our geotagged images that open the gallery-wide map with one image highlighted.
That last map should be accessible directly from the gallery-page
I considered this a bug, as this was possible in old-smug.
This is similar to the "share this" button also missing on gallery-level.
That last map should be accessible directly from the gallery-page
I considered this a bug, as this was possible in old-smug.
This is similar to the "share this" button also missing on gallery-level.
will show on the map with the current, clicked on, photo highlighted.
Problem is you have to find a globe on one of the photos and if the gallery has lots of photos that could be
a problem.
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The fact that there is no "Map This" (nor "Share This") button on gallery-level is the real problem.
I have rephrased the bug.
You can drag a map block onto any page, then select 'galleries I choose' and select a gallery.
SmugMug Support Hero
Besides, what you suggest is far from ideal. Maybe on a "smugmug-style" gallery you could add a map, but that would make the page too bloated imo.
For thumbnail, collage & other "endlessly scrolling" gallery styles, this is not an option, I think.. A button next to "Slideshow" near the top is...