Canon 5D Mark II
Moving to 4/3 lens system and new cameras and lenses ordered, so cleaning out my Canon 5D body and lenses.
Paypal accepted with you paying actual shipping. I DO NOT HAVE THE BOXES. Never thought I would sell out of Canon but want to take a new path with photography.
Fig I would do a posting in case someone wanted before X-mass.

up first
Canon 5D Mark II /shutter count 4089 /no scratches on camera. The cover has been in a drawer and has a scratch. Never dropped or used in extreme areas... used my G10 and G11 for those places. The photos do have lint on the camera from Micro cloth.
Camera with ONE battery (the first photo has 2... the second will be sold with the battery extension).
Price drop $1000.00 with grip and extra battery...
WAS PRICE $1200.00 plus shipping.

Moving to 4/3 lens system and new cameras and lenses ordered, so cleaning out my Canon 5D body and lenses.
Paypal accepted with you paying actual shipping. I DO NOT HAVE THE BOXES. Never thought I would sell out of Canon but want to take a new path with photography.
Fig I would do a posting in case someone wanted before X-mass.

up first
Canon 5D Mark II /shutter count 4089 /no scratches on camera. The cover has been in a drawer and has a scratch. Never dropped or used in extreme areas... used my G10 and G11 for those places. The photos do have lint on the camera from Micro cloth.
Camera with ONE battery (the first photo has 2... the second will be sold with the battery extension).
Price drop $1000.00 with grip and extra battery...
WAS PRICE $1200.00 plus shipping.

Bought the 50mm f1.4 and the TC 1.4x from Dave, and all items are in great condition and working flawlessly, purchase from him with confidence
Canon 5D Mk III
Canon 24-105L IS USM; Canon 16-35 f/2.8L USM; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II
Sigma 150mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM; Bigma 50-500 f/4-6.3 EX DG HSM
My Galleries
Camera now includes the grip extender with the extra battery.
Yes comes with charger for batteries and the manual in English.
Price drop. 1000.00 plus shipping.