Airplane Spotting at Night

Short days and long work weeks don't make for good spotting, so I thought I'd head over to the Overview at Charlotte tonight. It was a balmy 55F at 8pm, and I spent a little time shooting airplanes in the dark. It's a little tricky, because even when there is a line of aircraft waiting to get out, if everyone gets in a rhythm, they pretty well keep moving. You have to wait until tower clears someone to taxi across downfield, or there is someone arriving on that runway for traffic to stop long enough to get a shot.
US Airways A321

US Airways A320

Santa's big helper...FedEx MD-10 - FedEx normally doesn't bring these into CLT, but with the higher holiday volumes, we get to see some heavy metal.

US Airways A321 in line for takeoff, with the Charlotte skyline in the background. Those are the lights of the FedEx MD-10 streaking by while landing.

American Airlines A319 ready for takeoff
US Airways A321

US Airways A320

Santa's big helper...FedEx MD-10 - FedEx normally doesn't bring these into CLT, but with the higher holiday volumes, we get to see some heavy metal.

US Airways A321 in line for takeoff, with the Charlotte skyline in the background. Those are the lights of the FedEx MD-10 streaking by while landing.

American Airlines A319 ready for takeoff

The Moose is Loose!
Happy Holidays,