Viewing stats in a graph

I'm not sure this is a bug, but I don't know where else to ask about it.
When viewing my stats (new SM), I used to see them in a graph. But a few weeks a go (quite a few months after unveiling) the graph has been replaced by a list.
On one computer I still see the graph, on another - a list.
How can I get the graph back? Couldn't find a setting for this.
When viewing my stats (new SM), I used to see them in a graph. But a few weeks a go (quite a few months after unveiling) the graph has been replaced by a list.
On one computer I still see the graph, on another - a list.
How can I get the graph back? Couldn't find a setting for this.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, this was quick.
I'll try in a few hours when I return home, But AFAIR, the graph is gone in g-chrome too.
Could this also be related to cookies?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Graph was ther in g-chrome, but was not restored in IE-11 after updating Flash.
I'm prety sure it's not a setting, because at work I get the graph but at home not. Should have checke whivh IE I have at work (either 10 or 11), at home - IE-11.
Any other idea?
Thanks, I'll follow both threads.
I deleted any cookie containing *smug*, and I still get a list :-(
AT work - IE-10, and I get the graph
At home - IE-11 and no graph
I updated my Flash, I deleted all cookies related to Smugmug, the graph appears in g-chrome.
So it seems like it's not compatible with IE-11.
Could this be true?